PAUSED: ‘Instagram For Kids’

Waves of controversy seem to find their way to Facebook continuously. It’s a surprise that the platform hasn’t been wiped-out just yet, given the fact that it’s getting battered left, right, and center with tsunamis of leaks and allegations. In the most recent tide of events (yes, we’re not done with the whole surf scheme), […]

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TikTok 1 Billion!

Another social media milestone has been hit! Despite gaining clout and experiencing a number of major setbacks, it’s a HUGE day for TikTok as it finally reaches 1 billion monthly active users! TikTok creators worldwide are celebrating as their beloved platform becomes one of the most used and fastest-growing ones to date. The amount of […]

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TikTok “Muscling It Up”

TikTok is very hot right now. In a bid to keep its momentum going, it has decided to push toward more monetization opportunities. As a fairly new player on the scene, it’s a wise move for the platform to decide to lean into eCommerce early. With a fresh platform still capable of absorbing big changes, […]

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It’s Happy Holidays With Snapchat!

It’s the Christmas season, and you know what that means – almost time for that end-of-year shopping bonanza! With less than 90 days to go before ‘Ol Saint Nick visits, it’s the perfect time for business owners and entrepreneurs to duly adjust their strategies to be in line with the behavioral changes expected to come […]

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LinkedIn Shares Some New Sauce on Thought Leadership

For those of you who enjoy a good, long read, LinkedIn has recently published its 2021 B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. The study highlights key areas affecting the modern content landscape. In short, it shows the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to the current state of content creation and provides insight as […]

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“Yours To Make”

Instagram has recently launched its new global branding campaign, “Yours To Make”. The campaign aims to highlight the benefits of community connection, which is one of the platform’s stronger internal mechanisms and showcases the potential of ‘bridge-building’ brands with people or audiences that share the same interests and trends. On one end, it can work, and on […]

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Facebook, Apple’s ATT, and How You Can Improve Ad Performance

Ever since Apple announced its iOS14 update, the entire digital marketing industry buzzed about how its new App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework could significantly impact the performance of businesses that heavily relied on online advertising as well as the platforms that host such services. In particular, Facebook is among those who really feel the impact […]

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YouTube: “Super Chat”, “Super Stickers”, and New Comment Options

Youtubers and content creators everywhere are probably shouting for joy after Youtube announces that it’ll be expanding “Super Chat” and “Super Stickers” into more regions. That’s right, Super Chat and Super Stickers are being made available to more locations around the world, improving the accessibility and profitability of streamers. If you are in Malaysia, Kenya, […]

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TikTok Shares New “Big-Brained” Research

By now, it may have already occurred to you that TikTok is very popular. The platform is so trendy that even the most trivial of content is highly engaging and has the potential to achieve extreme virality. One of TikTok’s most distinguished strong points, which happens to be the creation and sharing of highly personalized […]

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Clubhouse’s New Group Chat Feature “Waves” Hello

Those in the know have definitely heard of Clubhouse. No, it’s not a popular bar or a famous sandwich; it’s a recently released social app on iOS that had recently decided to lift its invite-only restriction when it comes to joining the platform. In an attempt to further re-engage users, the platform has decided to […]

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