For those of you who enjoy a good, long read, LinkedIn has recently published its 2021 B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. The study highlights key areas affecting the modern content landscape. In short, it shows the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to the current state of content creation and provides insight as to how and where you should divert your efforts.

The study takes from a sample of 3593 global business executives from different industries and company sizes. Their responses share insight into B2B market shifts as  well as how decision-makers currently view the landscape.

Given the commendable background of the respondents, material such as this can prove invaluable when it comes to planning.

The Results 

  • 66% of respondents report that the pandemic has caused a surge in the production of thought leadership content.

  • 54% of respondents spend more than an hour each week reading and reviewing thought leadership content.

  • 71% note that less than half of the thought leadership they consume gives them valuable insight.

These initial numbers suggest that most of these are not even thought leadership at all. True thought leadership shows the way by teaching how to showcase unique thoughts and how to look at issues and problems in order to provide an answer/solution.

The study simplifies what it sees as a major concern down to “People thinking they’re thought leaders but actually aren’t.” It’s one thing to be different and another thing altogether to say that you are, yet you do what the majority does without the slightest touch of distinction.

  • Thought leadership is reinventing the wheel and making it bigger.

  • Effective thought leadership can boost branding. At least 63% of buyers say thought leadership “is important in providing proof that an organization genuinely understands or can solve your specific business challenges”.

  • Effective communication and a streamlined process are key components prior to thought leadership execution.

Several other facts and figures can be seen in the study, and it’s not surprising that they have something to do with advertising and marketing as effective thought leadership is sure to drive people into action.

The Wrap 

While you may be familiar with the saying that “Success likes speed”, the same can also be said and even further expounded on by “Slow and steady wins the race”. What the study wishes to say is that marketing done with the proper focus and structuring is sure to outperform those that simply rely on recyclable content.

Remember that the responses used are from individuals who can be regarded as top-level professionals, people who have the skills and knowledge to be and stay on top. What they have are attributes that can only be acquired over time and with continued practice and refinement, much like effective business strategies.
