Ever since Apple announced its iOS14 update, the entire digital marketing industry buzzed about how its new App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework could significantly impact the performance of businesses that heavily relied on online advertising as well as the platforms that host such services.

In particular, Facebook is among those who really feel the impact of Apple’s new policies, given the fact that it serves as a home for a lot of small and still-growing businesses. In lieu of potential roadblocks, Facebook did set up contingencies in order to at least cushion expected blows.

Just to give you a little bit of background, Apple released the iOS14 update back in April. Amongst many things, what stood the most in this update was the adoption of a new framework, the ATT. Without going into too much detail, the ATT simply prompts users if they would like to allow data-tracking for each individual app. Given the volatile nature of online security along with the perception of the general public, marketers and advertisers alike predicted the majority to opt-out of tracking, which consequently would mean that apps opted-out will no longer be able to gather data imperative to customer profiling. You can find in-depth information here.

Effects on Facebook

After Apple announced the update and months prior to release, Facebook published an official article on its business platform. In staunch opposition, they quoted:

“We disagree with Apple’s approach and solution, yet we have no choice but to show Apple’s prompt. If we don’t, they will block Facebook from the App Store, which would only further harm the businesses and users that rely on our services. We cannot take this risk on behalf of the millions of businesses who use our platform to grow.” 

Months after, they had this to say:

“As we noted during our earnings call in July, we expected increased headwinds from platform changes, notably the recent iOS updates, to have a greater impact in the third quarter compared to the second quarter. We know many of you are experiencing this greater impact as we are.”

Perhaps the greatest factor affected since iOS 14 dropped to date is Facebook’s conversion reporting. With its reporting and attribution capabilities stagnated, small-time business owners and entrepreneurs find it harder to do targeting and campaign optimizations. This is where the issue of underreporting comes in since Facebook advertisers won’t have a definite sense as to what strategies are working.

In Response

With the ATT’s bottlenecks still in place and with the threat of competition stealing the spotlight, Facebook has been working on solutions based on data prediction and estimation in hopes of providing more accurate readings of ad results.

This is all still a work in progress, so while we wait for it to come full-circle, here’s what Facebook suggests to do presently:

  • Don’t Measure Performance in Real-Time – Facebook’s system is based on “learning optimal performance triggers” and acquired segmentation data which it will need time with in order to produce an optimized response. Facebook suggests allowing at least 72hrs before making changes to underperforming campaigns.
  • Stick To The Learning Phase – Right now, it’s all about timing when it comes to Facebook Ads. Facebook’s comprehensive Learning Phase lists some best practices that teach you how you can help its delivery system find the best way to deliver your ads.
  • Set Up Facebook’s Conversion API – This will help in attribution as it sets up a direct connection between site events and Facebook.

The Wrap

On top of these platform-specific strategies, Facebook actually suggests that you use all tools available, extending to ones that are even beyond Facebook. The main issue with this lies in the discrepancy that specialists and non-specialists experience. Specialists know where and how they can source and monitor data that they can’t from Facebook elsewhere, while non-specialists will need time and exposure to be able to eventually do the same.

While it’s still too early to determine the full effects of the ATT, what can be confirmed is the fact that changes are far from over. The best thing to do right now is to expect and prepare for the worst and to stay on top of more updates.


