TikTok is very hot right now. In a bid to keep its momentum going, it has decided to push toward more monetization opportunities. As a fairly new player on the scene, it’s a wise move for the platform to decide to lean into eCommerce early. With a fresh platform still capable of absorbing big changes, such a move is expected to draw in more advertiser activity, surge revenue generation, and significantly improve the benefits and dynamics of collaborations and partnerships.

Perhaps learning from the case of its Chinese counterpart, Douyin, which tripled its eCommerce transactions just last year, TikTok aims to position itself as a key product showcase and shopping destination through the use of what it calls “Community Commerce”. This is a pretty strategic move, seeing as how the holiday season is fast approaching.

Incorporating The Bandwagon

TikTok is ridiculously popular nowadays. The platform’s knack for producing virality presents it with a range of marketing opportunities. TikTok trends are all the rage, and everybody who’s anybody won’t want to miss out on whatever is “in”. TikTok content has become so influential that it now begins driving new shopping behaviors.

Check out this statement from them:

“The TikTok made me buy it phenomenon has helped products of all kinds fly off the shelves – from leggings and milk frothers to cranberry juice, cleaning products, homewares, and everything in between. TikTok is so notorious for helping brands take off that’s it’s often covered in the news, and some retailers have created #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt sections in their stores, knowing that shoppers are looking to buy things they see on the app.”

Capitalizing, TikTok lets brands tap into their eCommerce reserves by sharing tips and newly acquired insights to help boost in-app marketing efforts as well as provide an idea as to how you can approach building effective TikTok marketing strategies.

  • Market ‘Entertainment’ – TikTok suggests focusing on product engagement through the use of entertaining content. People don’t like it when things look and sound too “salesy”. Instead of hard-selling a product or service, hard sell the idea of it. Short, entertaining, and empathic, these are the three simple ingredients to create engaging content that’s sure to have people hooked and wanting more. Make TikToks, not ads.

  • Understand The Algorithm – Whatever you create, always keep in mind that your content has to be relevant, especially for your intended audience. Do you know how YouTube’s “recommended for you” works? TikTok’s algorithm works the same, only that instead of being centered around creators, it’s more around content – kinda like Instagram’s explore page. TikTok’s algorithm is so well-optimized when it comes to finding what people like and showing them more of it.

  • Get Into The Culture – It’s all about engagement on the platform. Noting on the idea behind its ‘Community Commerce’ content should facilitate discovery by encouraging viewers to actually make their own and not just share what’s on a brand or creator’s page. The notion of this “Remix” culture has been shown to significantly boost brand awareness and greatly improve all facets of partnerships.

The Wrap 

TikTok is still a young and growing brand, yet the same novelty is also the same reason as to why it has so much potential for growth. TikTok is still the #1 most downloaded app each month and may well be worth the effort, seeing as how the holidays are almost here. Like the platform itself, right now it would be pretty wise to jump on and start experimenting; you never know just when you might be the next big hit.

TikTok for Business has even more tips! If you want more ideas, then who better to give than the experts, right?


