New Instagram ‘Shadowbans’ Insights

Extra transparency on Instagram? Now that’s a newsworthy headline. In what might come as a surprise for some, Instagram recently announced that it wants to give creators a bit more transparency with a new update to its in-app Account Status dashboard. The update is designed to alert users and indicate whether or not their content […]

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Instagram Trend Predictions 2023

Gen Z is no doubt the next biggest market focus, with younger users gradually making up more of the global consumer base, defining and establishing new kinds of products and consumption trends. With that in mind, Instagram was quick to come to the party and recently published its 2023 Trends Report, which aims to highlight […]

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Instagram Tests New DM Labels

Do you feel as though every social app is slowly becoming one big messaging platform? Well, no worries—they’re not. But what is happening is that almost all social platforms are now starting to integrate better ways to respond to and interact with your audience. Customer service has been around since our grandparents first learned to […]

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Instagram Trying to Be More Like BeReal

BeReal gave posting on social media a breath of fresh air when it arrived. As more people start growing tired of all the glamor, edited, and sculpted personas and images that others show and ‘peddle’ online, BeReal provides a creative way for people to still share what they’re up to, minus all the filters and […]

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‘Your Life’ According to Instagram and TikTok

We all saw this coming. Eventually, Social Media would rule over our lives, dictating what actions we should do daily and what choices to make; sci-fi movies were right – we would eventually be dominated by machines and their processes. Kidding aside, it has become evident that Social Media is where most people decide to […]

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Instagram Tests Out ‘Templates’ for Reels

Instagram’s trying out a new way to help users create even more engaging Reels clips. At the same time, the app is also testing a new option to promote Reels within a user’s main Feed, allowing it to better work against the rising threat of TikTok. Pre-Reels To start, Business Insider reported that Instagram’s testing a new […]

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IGTV Brand Retirement and Format Merger

Sometimes, less is more, and retirement can mean new opportunities. IG chief Adam Mosseri has signaled that big changes are coming to the platform in the following weeks. Opting for a more streamlined Instagram experience, they’re retiring the separate, long-form IGTV branding and opting for a more general ‘Instagram Video Format.’ As per Instagram’s explanation: “Starting […]

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Instagram Tests New ‘Stories’ Parameters

Instagram has decided to add more flair to stories by changing the ‘Close Friends’ designation to ‘Selected People’. While this may seem like a minor update, it allows for a more streamlined stories audience and provides an additional element to your stories creation flow. Presently, the feature is still being tested in Brazil, with no clear date as […]

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PAUSED: ‘Instagram For Kids’

Waves of controversy seem to find their way to Facebook continuously. It’s a surprise that the platform hasn’t been wiped-out just yet, given the fact that it’s getting battered left, right, and center with tsunamis of leaks and allegations. In the most recent tide of events (yes, we’re not done with the whole surf scheme), […]

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“Yours To Make”

Instagram has recently launched its new global branding campaign, “Yours To Make”. The campaign aims to highlight the benefits of community connection, which is one of the platform’s stronger internal mechanisms and showcases the potential of ‘bridge-building’ brands with people or audiences that share the same interests and trends. On one end, it can work, and on […]

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