Gen Z is no doubt the next biggest market focus, with younger users gradually making up more of the global consumer base, defining and establishing new kinds of products and consumption trends. With that in mind, Instagram was quick to come to the party and recently published its 2023 Trends Report, which aims to highlight the rising shifts for 2023 among Gen Z users, based on a variety of insights. 

Instagram had this to say:

“Our findings, included in this report, began with a simple question about summing up 2023 in one word. Our top responses: Healing, Energized, and Main Character Energy.”

Main Character Energy? How would they ever measure that? Based on how cool someone’s fictional self-invented ultra attack is? Interesting.

Trending on IG

The full, 22-page report can be downloaded here, which highlights five key trend areas: 

  • Recycle, Reuse, Reconstruct

  • Taking Action

  • Climate and Expressive Beauty

  • Alt Takes On The Metaverse

  • The Financial Renaissance

Each trend comes with its own page, along with an aligned emoji. Though not totally in-depth, the summaries do provide some interesting notes that could help in your planning. Here are some more key data points to consider: 

  • In 2023, more members of Gen Z will use their dollars to support causes and communities.

  • Over half of Gen Z social media users plan to get fashion or beauty inspiration from digital avatars or influencers in 2023.

  • 2 out of 3 Gen Z shoppers plan to buy skincare or beauty products that protect against extreme weather and sun.

  • More than half of Gen Z respondents said they plan to DIY their clothes in 2023.

With the Metaverse one year closer to completion (which will take several more), you can expect the number of virtual influencers and digital avatars to rise, though it might even be a safe bet to say that more than half of Gen Z actually make their own clothes.

The report also takes a look at creator trends, with Instagram noting that nearly two-thirds of Gen Z users are planning to use Social Media to make money next year. 

Oh, and there’s also a page on dating. Okay. Horrible fonts, that’s the most we got from this section at least. 

The Wrap

It’s an insightful overview to be sure, but the presentation and flow could use some work; it’s as if it was put together by people who only think they knew what they were talking about but actually hadn’t a clue. You can check out the full report yourself to gauge just how much use it would be. Accompanying the report is pop culture reporter Darian Symone Harvin, who will be interviewing various Gen Z trendsetters about their New Year’s predictions. Access those interview clips here.
