Elon Musk Hired A New CEO?

Here’s perhaps the biggest Twitter news of this year – Chief Twit Elon Musk recently announced that a new CEO will be taking over for him in 6 weeks. Yep, that fast. Also worth noting is his mention of his would-be next level and eventual successor of Twitter, ‘X’, or what he calls his ‘everything […]

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LinkedIn Cutting Out Certain Connection Stats

If you’ve noticed that your LinkedIn follower count somewhat dipped within the last week, this could be the reason why – according to a recent LinkedIn alert, shared by user Sachin Shah, LinkedIn is no longer counting ‘hibernated or restricted accounts’ in your follower or connection numbers, which could see the removal of a lot […]

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The Simplified Pinterest Creation Flow

Pinterest is looking to simplify its creation flow by combining all of its creation features into a single stream, including functionality that up till now was only available in certain Pin formats. As per Pinterest: “Pinterest users will now be able to access features that were previously only available to certain Pin formats or users […]

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TikTok x Smartly.io

TikTok has added a new element to its Marketing Partners Program, with Smartly.io coming on board as its inaugural video shopping ads partner, providing yet another pathway for TikTok to facilitate in-stream commerce. At this point, you have to give it credit for tenacity. It looks like TikTok has no plans of abandoning or deviating […]

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Twitter Launches Initial Version of DM Encryptions

After literal years of testing, Twitter has finally released what it’s calling stage 1 of its rollout of encrypted DMs, which Twitter itself says is not as secure just yet, but will soon become so over time. That sort of defeats the purpose, and it does seem a bit misleading, but this is where things […]

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LinkedIn Best Posting Practices 2023

Looking for ways to boost your LinkedIn reach and maximize your content performance in the app? Of course, you are! We mean, anyone who gives two cents about their LinkedIn performance should. Amid the shifting landscape at Twitter, many professional Social Media users are looking for an alternative outlet, and LinkedIn, which continues to break […]

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YouTube’s Counter Ad Blocker Experiments

This is Bad news for those using ad blockers. YouTube just launched a new experiment that would block users from watching YouTube content when, ironically, ad-blocking apps are active in the browser. It’s obviously saying that it wants users to get YouTube Premium to be rid of those pesky ads, but maybe YouTube just wants […]

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Rising Sports Trends on TikTok

Given its high usage and popularity among younger demographics, it’s no surprise that sports has become popular with TikTok users who are increasingly sharing their passion for sports and sporting identities in the app. True enough, engagement around sports content is quickly rising on the platform, with virtually all major sports seeing increases in activity […]

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Direct Responses in Twitter DM Threads

Twitter has released two new updates for DMs, which have been under the hammer within Twitter’s workshops over the last few months. Now, these new updates are getting a full launch in the app. Is Twitter stepping up its DM game? Well, isn’t that something? Straight Response To start, users will now be able to […]

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The Best Times To Post on Social in 2023

Sprout Social is at it again – it recently published its annual listing about the best times to post each of the major Social Media apps, based on the analysis of engagement trends among Sprout’s 34k+ users over the past year. For the first time, Sprout has also included TikTok data, which could help provide […]

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