How To ‘Un-Lock’ Yourself on Instagram

Doesn’t it just suck when you forget your password and accidentally lock yourself out of one of your Social Media accounts? More often than not, we fall victim to the ‘I forgot my password’ virus, especially on Meta platforms since they basically once kind of (?) promoted the notion of creating multiple accounts. Instagram, on […]

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YouTube Testing LIVE Emoji Reactions

How will YouTube evolve? Besides highly bingeable videos, what else does YouTube offer to make sure that it stays relevant for the next 10, 20 or so years? While YouTube is undeniably good for monetizing the content of those with the work ethic and creativity to maintain an active channel, it’s easy for one to […]

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Horizontal TikTok Videos?

What’s this now? An update that doesn’t talk about vertical video and related elements? We’re honestly genuinely surprised. When TikTok blew up, it changed the Social Media landscape forever, setting a new standard for engagement and entertainment. It’s no small feat when you realize that a small app released back in 2016 would define what […]

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Snapchat Highlights Promotional Value of AR

Have you thought about building around AR promotions for 2023? If not, then you should probably get started. The further time passes, the more things will get digital, which means that you’ll eventually have to learn AR and VR processes anyway; they’re currently where the future is headed.  Snapchat, over other platforms, is already seeing […]

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Meta Shares Video Ad Tips

Meta’s vast reach and sheer scale make it one of the best, if not the best, hodge-podge platforms for all sorts of projects, be they personal or commercial in nature. Pre Apple’s ATT Update, Meta (then Facebook) was arguably the largest advertising playground for those wanting to establish a presence online, particularly for video ads.  […]

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Twitter Shuts Down Revue Newsletter

For everyone’s sake, Elon Musk is now the head and owner of Twitter. Let’s get that straight, okay? Now, what does that have to do with anything? Yesterday, former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey posted his first-ever article to Twitter’s acquired Revue newsletter platform, acquired last January, where he outlined a response to the recent ‘Twitter […]

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Meta Spearheading Anti-Terrorist Online Efforts

The online space is home to a lot of things, some good; others, not so much. On the more degenerate side of things, those that incite acts of hate and violence have made a home on the internet, going as far as even perpetrating terrorist activities, and other radical movements.  Meta has made the decision […]

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Top 2022 Snap Lenses, Songs, and Other Trends

Snapchat Lens usage has always been notable. Ever since Snapchat introduced the idea of AR and VR effects and their related elements, the platform has since dominated the space, outperforming bigger and better-resourced companies such as Meta, Apple, and Google when it came to AR innovation and integration. Though it had a bit of a […]

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YouTube’s New Video Processing Time Indicators

It’s not surprising to hear that YouTube has released a number of updates intended to either improve or upgrade its suite of tools that cater to insights and other experience-enhancing elements. YouTube is the video-led offspring of the most popular Search Engine in the world. With that being said, YouTube’s adding a new element within […]

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‘Ad Free’ Twitter Blue?

Mapping Twitter’s current process structure can be challenging because Chief Twit Elon Musk is accustomed to operating under his own rules. After all, there aren’t many factors to take into account that would require you to consult anyone before announcing future directions if you run your own platform. While it might have worked in certain […]

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