TikTok x Mercedes Benz

How into TikTok are you that you just can’t seem to get enough of it? Bet you that if it weren’t against driving laws, a lot of people would be watching TikToks while cruising down roads right now. In what would likely be completely random, and somewhat surprising, news, TikTok had recently announced that it […]

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The Winner of Snapchat’s 2022 AR Lensathon

Wait, Snapchat has its own ‘-athlon’ event? Cool. Snapchat had just recently announced the winners of its 2022 Build the Future Lensathon, which called on AR creators to come up with creative, innovative, and engaging AR experiences in the app; think of it as an AR Olympics of sorts, except that your brains are the […]

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LinkedIn Adds New Visual Display Elements

Could this be true? Is it finally happening? LinkedIn is looking to make user profiles more visually appealing, which will no doubt be music to the ears of many of LinkedIn’s format critics, which hasn’t really changed over the years. A new look for LinkedIn profiles? Now that sounds like refreshing news. This visual overhaul […]

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Snap Adds New ‘Sound On’ Audio Elements

If you read that Snapchat has added something new, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind of what that ‘something’ could be? If you answered AR or basically any video or 3D element, well, you’re not wrong, but this time, Snap’s adding new audio elements, with recommended audio clips for Lenses, and Sound […]

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How to Create a Marketing Strategy for 2023

Are you still developing your strategic approach for 2023? That shouldn’t detract you. In fact, you should be planning for 2023 throughout 2023! Ain’t no plan like the one you’re making, right? If you’re still not quite confident with the direction of your digital marketing, or simply looking for tweaks to make your plans just […]

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