Snap Highlights Rising Potential for AR Marketing

With AR set to become a much bigger focus over the next few years, it’s important for all brands to consider the potential for their marketing and promotional efforts, with 3D digital initiatives set to change the game, in many ways, as usage behaviors evolve. To provide additional context on this, Snap recently partnered with […]

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Will Twitter Crash?

How will Twitter fare during next week’s World Cup? Will it make it through despite a highly crippled workforce? Twitter currently operates with only 36% of its staff before Elon Musk took over. Twitter has reportedly gone from 7,500 staff down to 2,700, with many former staffers warning that the app could crash, potentially forever, […]

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5 Possible Saving-Graces for Twitter

Elon Musk continues to throw Twitter elements into complete disarray, switching things off and cutting certain functions, along with staff, which may or may not lead to more problems in the app over time. Theoretically, it sounds like Musk has the know-how to iron out Twitter’s current ruffles and stabilize it, just that it might […]

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Google’s Top 100 Most Searched Products in 2022

Not sure what to get friends and family this Christmas? Well, don’t worry, there are many who are in the same boat. For those of you looking for some gifting ideas and inspiration, then this might help – Google has recently published its annual listing of the top 100 gift ideas, based on 2022 searches. […]

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Best Social Platforms for Each Industry

Just what exactly are the best social platforms for each industry? For example, is LinkedIn really the best for professionals? While an ‘it depends’ scenario generally befalls categorization, this ranking will likely spark some debate among Social Media marketing people. A team from Khoros recently conducted a thorough review of social platform demographics. Based on […]

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Google Wins Out over Russian Bot Scam Group

What might have been unbeknownst to you, Google had just recently won a significant court case against a group that had been operating a bot network to manipulate its systems, which could have major implications for future cybercrime cases. The case relates to a Russian-based group named Glupteba, which has utilized bots to essentially ‘break […]

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A Holiday Fireplace for Brands

One of the major selling points Social Media offers brands is the ability to quickly ramp up marketing outreach when needed. There are also mixed reports on just how strong sales will be for this year’s gift-giving season, now might be a good time to explore this wealth of new features and tips that major […]

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Pinterest: Increase in These Red Flag Removals

Pinterest just published its latest Transparency Report, which outlines all of the content removals and other moderation actions it took throughout the first half of 2022. Surprisingly, there are some interesting shifts within these figures, especially in one of the charts featured, which measures the number of Pins removed in each category over the past […]

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Musk Reinstates Trump

Yes on two fronts here – Trump returns to Twitter and that Twitter continues to eat mud. In what might just be the ultimate singular example of the Elon Musk experience in the app, which it achieved over just the weekends, Musk just reinstated former President Donald Trump’s Twitter account, despite saying that no decision […]

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Meta Removing Several Preference Fields

Guess what, we have news of yet another Meta removal for you all, but this may not be as big as its other projects. Meta has recently begun informing Facebook users that it’s removing several profile information fields to better streamline the platform, making it ‘easier to navigate’. We can’t say for certain whether or […]

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