Facebook Abandons Facial Recognition

It’s been a while since Facebook last discontinued one of its major features. That’s why this recent news comes as a bit of a surprise because Facebook has decided to shut down its facial recognition program. Facebook will be deleting all of its facial recognition files and will no longer identify people in posted images. Facebook […]

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Meta Has New Fact Checking Mentorship Program

Meta, Facebook’s newly named parent company, has launched a new initiative designed to combat the spread of online misinformation. This new initiative comes in the form of a fact-checking mentorship program, developed in partnership with the Poynter Institute’s International Fact-Checking, which aims to help fact-checking organizations scale their efforts and increase their impact. Meta explains: “Reducing […]

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Snapchat Expands Sound Library

Twitter’s not the only one innovating for audio. Snapchat will now facilitate additional creative audio options within Snaps via a new deal with NBCUniversal. The update will enable Snapchatters to include audio clips from a range of popular TV shows and movies within their Snaps. Snap explains: “Today, we’re excited to announce a new deal with NBCUniversal […]

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Pinterest Announces ‘Pinterest TV’

Pinterest is looking to also jump on the rising live-commerce trend, which has already seen massive success in China with its series of live shopping events. It calls its new initiative ‘Pinterest TV’ and has even released an official Tweet announcing its launch. Pinterest explains: “Today, we’re announcing Pinterest TV, a series of live, original, and shoppable […]

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Facebook Expands Climate Science Center

Last week, Snapchat announced its commitment to reduce its carbon emissions to achieve a ‘Net Negative’ rating by 2030. How much of a coincidence would it be to know that Facebook has recently announced that it’ll be taking stronger action to promote climate science? Behind this decision is, at least in their words, a “renewed push […]

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3 Way To Be Consistent On Social Media

Wouldn’t you like to be consistent on Social Media?  Post every day!  Do short videos! Talk about your business, show everyone all the things you know and do? You have the best intentions, but…. Darn!  Life gets in the way! You see other people’s posts and wonder.  How do they have so much time?   You […]

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More of Facebook Everyday

Just when you think that the world has had its fair share of Facebook, the company actually goes on to propose that there are other ways in which we can further incorporate Facebook with regards to daily living. While it may not seem like the most logical connection, it’s what we’re facing presently, with Facebook […]

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Google: Have You Updated Your SEO Strategy? [Infographic]

How particular are you when it comes to online ranking? Let us rephrase the question; How knowledgeable are you with regard to SEO and search rank results? Within the past year, have you experienced a decrease in your organic Google traffic for 2021? If you did, then you need not worry as there are several […]

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Why Facebook Groups Are The Future

What is the future of Facebook marketing?  It’s Facebook groups. Building your own online community helps you build relationships, promote your authority in your niche/field and they are just more fun than a Facebook page. Facebook groups are a powerful marketing tool, helping you attract new customers and engaging current ones with exclusive content, community, […]

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Twitter Opens ‘Super Follows’ for IoS Users

‘Opening Up’ features seem to be an ongoing trend for most social media platforms right now. The latest in the series of universalizing functionality is Twitter opening up its ‘Super Follow’ feature to all users on iOS, adding more monetization options for creators, expanding their ability to draw direct income from their biggest supporters. (Super)Follow Closely ‘Super […]

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