Pinterest Launches Real-Time Analytics on Mobile

This could help Pinterest marketers maximize their performance over the coming holiday season. Pinterest has officially launched real-time analytics elements within Pin analytics on mobile, which will provide more data on how your Pins are exactly performing at any given time. Given the latent nature of analytics, introducing a different ‘variant’ of analytics that reacts in real-time […]

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Twitter Blue Price Hike

Question: Say you’re an independent company that was looking to improve takeup of its core subscription offer – if it was already unpopular to begin with, would increasing the price sound like a logical idea? Don’t worry, if you answered ‘No’, we perfectly agree with you, but this is what Twitter’s product development team went […]

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TikTok To Provide More Insight Into Content Trends

Amid increasing skepticism from various regulators and lingering questions concerning its ownership and content approach, TikTok is out to provide more assurance that it’s not censoring certain content, or amplifying certain perspectives, via its new API access points. These new access points enable academics and researchers to glean more insight into how exactly its systems work. Here’s The […]

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Twitter Launches Live Test of New ‘Status’ Markers

This is another one of Twitter’s projects that ‘have been in development for some time’ – years now, really – without any other way to phrase it, Twitter has begun an initial live test of its new ‘Status’ feature with select users in both Australia and the US. Really, a ‘Status’ feature on Twitter? Now there’s an idea. […]

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Twitter Shares New Health and Wellness Insights

With the pandemic having kept most of us indoors, which it still does for parts of the world, it has also served as a key reminder of health dangers. More people are now looking to engage with wellness-related topics as they look for new ways to stay fit and healthy and make a positive lifestyle […]

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TikTok Publishes New Audio Guide for Marketing

TikTok has changed approaches to video content, in many ways. As more and more people spend increasing time on the app, so too do more of them get sucked into the never-ending stream of trending clips. One of the key shifts in this respect has been the use of sound and how TikTokers are, more often […]

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10 TikTok Statistics You Must Know This 2022

Ever since TikTok started growing, its popularity and the opportunities that come with it have been rising non-stop. TikTok’s culture, combined with its highly intuitive algorithms and appeal to organic content and participation has helped crown it as the most popular app, whose major market primarily consists of users aged 15 – 25. TikTok has […]

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New Pinterest Insights into Key Pre-Holiday Shopping Trends

Christmas is but 152 days away! After two years of COVID disruptions, people are increasingly keen to celebrate a more normal holiday season, which could present significant opportunities for marketers. But that has always been the case leading into the holidays, right? Many businesses need this. These same disruptions have reduced incomes across the board, […]

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New Snapchat Insights for Driving Stronger Brand Connections

Snapchat just shared some new insights into the power of its app for driving more intimate connections and the value that it can hold for advertisers – in variance to other social platforms that instead focus on an ‘endless scroll of User-Generated Content (UGC)’. According to Neuro-Insight’s new report, which Snap commissioned, Snapchatters find themselves feeling happier […]

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Twitter Communities: Hashtag Discovery

Twitter has recently added a new discovery element to its Communities, with a new display of the top Hashtags used in each Community, which will then link you through to relevant Tweets around said topics. Soon, Communities pages on Android and the web will display a listing of the most used Hashtags within that group, in […]

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