The different types of data

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cibo mundi ea duo, vim exerci phaedrum. There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have alteration in some injected or words which don’t look even slightly believable.

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Skittles Crowned Twitter’s ‘Brand Bracket’ 2022 Winner

Twitter’s 2022 ‘Brand Bracket’ competition just came to a close, with Skittles taking the top spot after beating out various other brand handles in head-to-head polls until victory. Twitter’s Brand Bracket promotion ties into the NCAA Final Four tournament, pitting brand Twitter presences against each other in its own version of a Tweet championship. Skittles! Based on Twitter’s official match cards, […]

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Elon Musk Is Now Part of Twitter Board

Are you ready for edit options for your Tweets? After ages of being the most requested Twitter upgrade – and repeated rebuffs – it appears that Twitter’s newest big-shot shareholder is looking to use his newfound influence to bring this dream to life. Oh, and did we fail to mention that Elon Musk is now a board member? Twitter […]

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Snapchat’s 2022 ‘Snapchat Generation’ Report

Snapchat just published its 2022 version of its ‘Snapchat Generation’ report, which looks at how Snapchatters are using the app connect and how brands can better align their messaging to match these key trends. Incorporating insights from over 19,000 users and across 16 markets, the 28-page Snapchat Generation report provides you with valuable snapshots of what […]

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Snapchat Adds New ASL Alphabet

Snapchat’s looking to help increase awareness and usage of sign language by introducing a new Lens that’s able to recognize American Sign Language (ASL) gestures and translate them in the app. As Snap explains: “We’re constantly working to expand the ways Snapchatters can express themselves and make connections through our Camera. Today, we’re launching an ASL Alphabet […]

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