6 Tips to Grow Your Business on TikTok

TikTok, by now, has swept the world by storm. What few regarded as a mere attempt to revive the likes of Vine, has since evolved into a far-reaching, vastly influential pop-culture web phenomena that underlines what is most likely the pinnacle of short-form video content. TikTok has been dubbed as the fastest growing social media […]

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Fixing Facebook in 2022

If anything, 2021 served as a year of revelation for social media giant Facebook. After the ‘Facebook Files’ shed some light on some of the company’s darkest kept secrets, Facebook was battered left and right with criticisms, adding to the already mounting pressure that Facebook was facing prior. With its big Meta name change, and […]

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‘Please Don’t Feel Alone’

With a resurgence of lockdown protocols during Christmas time, hundreds of thousands of people form the UK were forced to self-isolate, dampening what would have otherwise been a momentous time for physical reunions and celebrations. However, all is not lost, as what was taken in terms of physical communication, they gained in social media. Despite […]

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