The Only 3 Twitter Brand Conversion Monitoring Tips You’ll Need

Updates on any of the major social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok can go viral, reaching a massive number of people in a short amount of time. However, most instances of virality on these platforms do require a certain amount of luck. On Twitter, it’s a different case because you can easily […]

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Replying to Comments with Idea Pins

Pinterest is taking inspiration from Instagram’s newest option of allowing users to reply to comments with Reels. On that note, Pinterest just announced its launching of a new option that would allow users to Pin comments within an Idea Pin clip. It’s essentially Pinterets’s take on an Instagram feature, which is honestly surprising given that it’s all mainly […]

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TikTok 2021 Key Brand Campaign and Product Trends

The nearer we get to Christmas, the nearer 2021 gets to closing. As customary in annual performance reports, TikTok has recently shared a ‘look back’ at its growing influence as a social platform and as a commerce and marketing channel. TikTok highlighted some of the key brand-lead trends of the year, providing us all with a […]

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