Pinterest is taking inspiration from Instagram’s newest option of allowing users to reply to comments with Reels. On that note, Pinterest just announced its launching of a new option that would allow users to Pin comments within an Idea Pin clip. It’s essentially Pinterets’s take on an Instagram feature, which is honestly surprising given that it’s all mainly “TikTok this and TikTok that” lately.

Here’s An Idea

How it works is if you want to add a visual element to your Pin comment reply, simply tap on the three dots menu next to any comment, and you should see the option labeled ‘Reply With New Idea Pin’. Selecting the option opens up the full-screen Idea Pin composer, allowing you to add more context to your responses.

The idea for video comment replies was sparked by TikTok, which added its own option back in May 2020. Given how much short-form video consumption has been steadily  increasing, it only makes sense for Pinterest to also align itself with the trend, providing Pinners with more ways to use video for interaction and engagement.

It’s worth mentioning that Pinterest also added ‘Idea Pin Takes’ back in October, providing similar capability, though that option was really more focused on enabling users to share their experiences in response to an idea, as opposed to simply being able to leave general responses to specific elements. While it still has the ability to gain a few new insights, engagement with specified criteria, overall, will produce lower numbers as opposed to engagement resulting from general discussions and interaction.

For Pinterest, which for so long has mainly been an image-hosting and sharing platform, the introduction of video content, even if just in this simple format, presents to it a lot of opportunities and adds tons of new layers in which Pinterest could potentially improve its engagement, authority, and relevance. For all we know, it could be that a main video format is all that’s needed for Pinterest to finally transition into becoming one of the major social platforms. Of course, such a transition is definitely more complex than merely adding newer features so that you gain more users. In simplest terms however, it’s a good move to get started.

The Wrap

Since it’s not technically a ‘first’ for Pinterest, the integration process for the new option shouldn’t be as hectic and obstructed as before. The most that Pinterest would have to exert effort on is probably the creative approach that it’ll take, which would, in some way, still differ from what TikTok and Instagram have used, due to Pinterest’s respective layout and identity.

For brands on Pinterest, Idea Pin replies might just be a significant consideration, one that would allow them to add ‘explainer’ videos, personalized video replies, deeper product promotions, just a whole swathe of opportunities that would definitely improve Pinterest’s standing as a strong marketing channel.

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