Twitter ‘Best of Tweets’ Ad Campaign Awards 2021

NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN!  Twitter is once again holding its annual brand tweet competition titled “Best of Tweets”. If you’re a brand that recently had a good campaign on Twitter, buckle up! You might be among the nominees to win the crown for best brand tweets in 2021. As described by Twitter: “Twitter’s Best Of Tweets […]

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Twitter Professional Profiles: Open For Applications!

Here’s some news regarding Twitter’s Professional Profiles; they’re finally opening it up to all businesses! Since the announcement of their professional profiles redesign in April of this year, online marketers and entrepreneurs were excited at the prospect of being able to finally polish their Twitter profiles, allowing for a better overall presence and engagement on […]

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Twitter Showcases Upcoming NFT Profile Image Integration

There’s been a strong resurgence in crypto-assets recently, primarily within the gaming domain. If you’re familiar with the term Blockchain, then you’ll be familiar with NFT. Out of all the platforms that could look into the potential of integrating NFT into their systems, surprisingly Twitter makes a bold statement to decide to headline such an announcement […]

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Twitter Now Has Smoother Videos!

Twitter isn’t really a big player when it comes to video content; that’s why it should come as a surprise when it announced that it’s now supporting higher quality video playback to ensure better video performance and an overall better viewing experience. On a platform that’s predominantly text-content oriented, pauses that include video are often […]

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