LinkedIn Shares Presence Building Best Practices

After seeing it plastered on every theoretical online wall that LinkedIn continues to see ‘record levels’ of engagement, now may be as good as time as any to reconsider your LinkedIn content strategy to tap into new growth opportunities, maximizing your presence in the app. That’s where this new guide comes in. To highlight some best practices and help […]

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Twitter Previews New ‘Official’ Gray Checkmark

This just in: Elon musk has ‘Killed’ the new ‘official’ badges, a mere three hours after they were launched. Musk says that Twitter will ‘do lots of dumb things’ in the coming months, while also noting that the coveted Blue checkmark will be the ‘great leveler’. Of course, Twitter has already done some pretty dumb things during […]

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TikTok Re-Organizes Staffing Structure

While TikTok continues to increase its lead as the app of choice for teen users, the platform also continues to face significant challenges when it comes to monetization and regulation, on different fronts. On monetization, like all social platforms, TikTok’s working to mitigate the impacts of the global economic downturn, which has seen ad spend reduced […]

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