Twitter Launches Stage 1 of Live Tweet Edits

It’s happening, it’s finally happening. After years of requests and millions of Tweets later, Twitter has finally launched the first stage of the roll-out of its new Tweet editing feature, with Twitter Blue subscribers in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand now able to revise their Tweeted content for 30 minutes after posting. It’s A-Live! The process is […]

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Twitter Testing New Tweet View Count Display

Not so sure what to make of this. Today, Twitter has launched a public test of a new ‘Views’ count on some users’ Tweets. These Views display the total number of times that each of your Tweets was seen in the app. So, it’s basically like YouTube’s view count, only for Tweets? See, that’s why we drew […]

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Twitter Moves to Next Stage of ‘Status’ Indicator Testing

Be honest now, is 240 characters enough for you to fully convey your thoughts and opinions? Can you provide something that has complete context with such short parameters? If you’re struggling with this, then you’re in luck, as Twitter is now developing a range of new status indicators that will eventually provide a simple way to add […]

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