Facebook Develops Reels Reactions

Have you ever watched a Reel on Facebook and just felt that you had to leave a reaction to show your gratitude or support to the creator? Well, if you answered yes, then you might be in luck. Facebook is said to be currently developing ‘Reels Reactions’, providing users with another way to respond to short-form […]

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LinkedIn Stats Every Socmed Manager Should Know

While other social media platforms ramp up attention, LinkedIn continues to see ‘record levels’ of engagement growth, expanding its user base at a steady rate. While not as cool or trendy as other platforms, what with their short videos and integrated AR effects, the professional social network does excel greatly in job-seeking and brand-building, making it […]

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Twitter Continues to Evolve its ‘Communities’

Twitter Communities seems to be a hot topic right now, or at least it has to be. More specifically, it’s worth discussing how Twitter goes about enhancing user engagement through Communities for more private Tweet discussions, as well as other experiments that could eventually change your Tweeting behavior. Tweet Communities seem to be the most obvious […]

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