Facebook Files: Usage Among The Young Going Downhill

The recent outpouring of information from the Facebook Files Expose, which was brought to light through leaked documents by former Facebook staffer Frances Haugen, revealed that there is an insight that surpasses even Instagram allegedly being labeled as “detrimental to younger users” and Facebook’s heightened consideration for high-profile users. What is potentially the biggest insight gleaned from […]

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IGTV Brand Retirement and Format Merger

Sometimes, less is more, and retirement can mean new opportunities. IG chief Adam Mosseri has signaled that big changes are coming to the platform in the following weeks. Opting for a more streamlined Instagram experience, they’re retiring the separate, long-form IGTV branding and opting for a more general ‘Instagram Video Format.’ As per Instagram’s explanation: “Starting […]

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TikTok Launches ‘Be Cybersmart’ Campaign

You’re all aware of the significance of the month of October, aren’t you? Of course, it’s Halloween! On a more serious note, it is also Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Both are related in some ways since the prospect of data and privacy breaches on the internet is scary. In accordance with this, TikTok has launched a timely […]

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Google to Index IG and TikTok Videos

According to recent reports, Google is reputedly working on arrangements with both Instagram and TikTok to index their content in search results. This is potentially huge news for anyone familiar with SEO, given that the Google Index, combined with the Google SERPs, comprise what is essentially the most comprehensive and efficient search results display and […]

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Facebook Testing New Heightened AD Context Elements

Facebook is experimenting with new ways to provide more context for paid promotions. Their most current strategy is to provide more information by horizontally scrolling the display below the ad image. In the broader scheme of things, this upgrade tries to help streamline Facebook usage by offering some kind of filter that assists you in identifying potentially […]

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Twitter ‘Best of Tweets’ Ad Campaign Awards 2021

NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN!  Twitter is once again holding its annual brand tweet competition titled “Best of Tweets”. If you’re a brand that recently had a good campaign on Twitter, buckle up! You might be among the nominees to win the crown for best brand tweets in 2021. As described by Twitter: “Twitter’s Best Of Tweets […]

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For Reel? Facebook Launches ‘FB Reels’

Facebook Reels debuted a little more than a year after Instagram Reels. It sounds anticlimactic because, unfortunately, it is. In light of TikTok’s tremendous and unexpected success, which has already surpassed a billion monthly subscribers, Facebook Reels appear to be a bit too blatant for an attempt to recreate the element responsible for sending TikTok into […]

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US Senator Asks Facebook to ‘Commit to Stopping Finsta’

You can tell that memes around this will begin to appear soon. Just this Thursday, the Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing on Facebook’s ongoing research into the impact of Instagram on young girls. Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal questioned Facebook’s Global Head of Safety, Antigone Davis, if they would “commit to ending Finsta.” After what […]

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TikTok Jumps on The NFT Train

TikTok ain’t letting up. With Twitter headlining recent social media news, the sage of short-form video won’t allow itself to be a runner-up. The recent NFT boom has signaled the platform that it has to start taking action to capitalize on the growing trend. And take action it did; TikTok had just recently announced its first official […]

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TikTok Jumps on The NFT Train

TikTok ain’t letting up. With Twitter headlining recent social media news, the sage of short-form video won’t allow itself to be a runner-up. The recent NFT boom has signaled the platform that it has to start taking action to capitalize on the growing trend. And take action it did; TikTok had just recently announced its first official […]

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