Facebook New Cross-app Messaging Functionality and Chat Tools

Facebook has been on a roll lately, and they’re not done! As the most recent addition to their list of current updates, Facebook is releasing new features on Messenger and Instagram direct, including cross-app group chats! Talk about platform-to-platform communication, right? This is expected to boost engagement as people will now have more options with […]

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Google: New Search Results Model? + New Discovery Tools

Google has been busy lately. On top of recently introducing a new default attribution model, they’re hinting at visual search results optimization with what they call Multitask Modeling. The company believes that such an update would further streamline product discovery and provide users with better contextual search results. As Google dives further into the territory of […]

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Instagram Tests New ‘Stories’ Parameters

Instagram has decided to add more flair to stories by changing the ‘Close Friends’ designation to ‘Selected People’. While this may seem like a minor update, it allows for a more streamlined stories audience and provides an additional element to your stories creation flow. Presently, the feature is still being tested in Brazil, with no clear date as […]

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Facebook Creative Forecast 2021

If there’s one word we can use to best describe the driving factor behind recent leaps in online marketability, it’d be INFLUENCE. No matter how and where you look at it, all the big social media platforms have one thing in common — they all vie for the greatest amount of influence. Why? Because influence is […]

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Twitter Showcases Upcoming NFT Profile Image Integration

There’s been a strong resurgence in crypto-assets recently, primarily within the gaming domain. If you’re familiar with the term Blockchain, then you’ll be familiar with NFT. Out of all the platforms that could look into the potential of integrating NFT into their systems, surprisingly Twitter makes a bold statement to decide to headline such an announcement […]

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