Twitter’s Pre-Holiday Marketing Checklist

While Twitter has been handing out a favorable number of resources to help out businesses in general  this coming holiday season, it’s rather timely that they released a more specific guide catered towards eCommerce stores and online shops. Everyone everywhere has a lot of preparation to do before the holiday season gets here and businesses […]

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Facebook Updates Rights Protection Tools

Copyright infringement is never a good thing. Unfortunately, the proliferation of such acts is harder to stop online than it is in real life. In line with this, Facebook is currently moving towards helping more businesses crackdown on the unapproved use of their intellectual property across its family of apps. This “aid” comes in the […]

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‘Google for Creators’

The growing creator economy is slowly transforming the entire marketing cyberspace. To show its support for the new and emerging economic trend, Google launched a new platform designed to help creators with their efforts. Google gives a brief overview in this short announcement trailer by Google For Creators on YouTube. From the video, the new ‘Google For Creators’ resource […]

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Twitter Opens Up ‘Spaces’ Hosting

Twitter’s push for a broader focus on audio social has it expanding its ‘Spaces’ to enable all users to be able to host their own sessions. Here’s the official Tweet. Spaces hosting will now be open to all iOS and Android users. Prior to this update, only those with more than 600 followers could host their […]

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Facebook Adds New Tools for SMBs

Two seasons stand out most every year, both from a perspective of enjoyment and marketing. Summer and Christmas are momentous occasions that somehow always manage to see increases in general consumption and spending, while at the same time showcasing the rise of several new trends. This year’s Christmas season, in particular, stands to be a […]

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Chat App Sphere Is Now Twitter’s

In an attempt to come up with the next biggest social connection “thing”, Twitter ‘Communities’ has, unfortunately, not yet caught on. But, like a badly written report, Twitter continues to revise the format in hopes that ‘Twitter Groups’ would one day find their place in digital history. That time might be a step closer as Twitter […]

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TikTok Shares New Usage Insights

There are plentiful factors that go into consideration when gauging the effectiveness of a social media platform. Unfortunately, certain factors or elements, despite being viable indicators, are simply too “qualitative” so as to be able to directly gauge whether a site is truly useful or not. Can you really measure qualities such as authenticity and […]

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Facebook Company Name Change?!

To everyone’s surprise, Facebook is actually considering an official corporate name change! At this point, what other name, besides Facebook, would we all know it by? With probably a million other “what ifs” running through our minds, the last thing anyone would’ve thought of is “What if Facebook wasn’t named Facebook?” Truly a puzzling question […]

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Snapchat Adds 13M More Daily Users

TikTok isn’t the only one to reach a user milestone. Snapchat, as indicated in its latest earnings report, is showing steady increases in both users and revenue as markets outside the US continue to exhibit a strong take up towards the app. It’s worth mentioning that this influx of users happened in conjunction just as Snapchat’s […]

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The New Snapchat-Enabled Google Pixel Phone

October often marks the high-point of announcements regarding new product releases of the biggest smartphone manufacturers. Interestingly enough, such an announcement, with respect to Google’s latest product showcase, highlights not new core features, but instead an upcoming ‘Quick Tap To Snap’ function for its newest Pixel devices – the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro. […]

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