Facebook Tests Simultaneous Mass-Posting

You know how it’s virtually impossible to physically stop a bullet mid-flight? Or how even union-wide protests fail to achieve the desired results despite holding them amidst the proximity of the offending parties? It’s interesting, to say the least, despite various claims (and subsequent proofs) that aim to detract it, Facebook is still testing new […]

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Google Add Search Console Integration to Its Analytics

In an effort to bring additional machine learning tools to Google Analytics as the firm transitions to a more ‘cookie-free’ web environment, the company plans to integrate its Search Console Platform in order to get more insights and improve its attribution process. Google explains: “Search Console provides detailed information about your website’s organic Search performance, including the site’s rank […]

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Facebook Files: Usage Among The Young Going Downhill

The recent outpouring of information from the Facebook Files Expose, which was brought to light through leaked documents by former Facebook staffer Frances Haugen, revealed that there is an insight that surpasses even Instagram allegedly being labeled as “detrimental to younger users” and Facebook’s heightened consideration for high-profile users. What is potentially the biggest insight gleaned from […]

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IGTV Brand Retirement and Format Merger

Sometimes, less is more, and retirement can mean new opportunities. IG chief Adam Mosseri has signaled that big changes are coming to the platform in the following weeks. Opting for a more streamlined Instagram experience, they’re retiring the separate, long-form IGTV branding and opting for a more general ‘Instagram Video Format.’ As per Instagram’s explanation: “Starting […]

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