The debate over the relevance of hashtags in social media marketing is ongoing, with platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn downplaying their importance. However, Threads, Meta’s messaging platform, is experimenting with potential changes to hashtag usage that could redefine their role in content discovery and engagement. This blog explores these developments and their implications for tech-savvy marketers.

The Declining Impact of Hashtags

In recent months, Instagram chief Adam Mosseri has been vocal about the diminishing impact of hashtags on post reach. While hashtags can help align posts with specific communities and aid discovery, their overall influence on reach is minimal. LinkedIn has echoed similar sentiments, indicating that modern algorithms prioritize contextual indicators such as post content, account activity, and engagement over hashtags.

The Evolution of Hashtags on Threads

Despite these trends, Threads appears to be revisiting the potential of hashtags. App researcher Alessandro Paluzzi recently uncovered that Threads is testing new ways to encourage hashtag use. These include reminders in the composer flow and the possible reintroduction of the traditional “#” marker before tags. This shift suggests that Threads recognizes a need for more specific indicators to enhance post visibility and engagement.

Currently, Threads does not employ the conventional hashtag format, opting instead for tags without the “#” symbol. This approach was part of a broader strategy to streamline the platform and reduce hashtag spam. However, given the real-time nature of engagement on Threads, the platform may benefit from clearer tagging mechanisms to better align conversations with interested users.

Contextual Necessity for Hashtags on Threads

Threads faces unique challenges in content moderation and discovery, particularly with the detection of political content in short posts. To mitigate the spread of such content, Threads imposes severe penalties on profiles that frequently post politically charged material. This suggests a potential gap in the platform’s algorithm, which may necessitate additional context provided by more explicit hashtags.

Introducing traditional hashtags could offer Threads the contextual clarity needed to filter and sort posts effectively. This move could enhance the platform’s ability to match users with relevant content, fostering a more engaging and tailored user experience.

Balancing Hashtag Use and Abuse

Threads initially limited the number of tags per post to prevent hashtag abuse and spam. This restriction aimed to maintain the quality of content and ensure that tags genuinely represented the post’s content. As Threads experiments with reintroducing traditional hashtags, it must balance encouraging meaningful engagement with preventing tag spam.

The platform’s early tests indicate a cautious approach to integrating hashtags, focusing on optimizing the user experience without compromising content quality. This strategy aligns with broader industry trends where platforms continuously adapt to enhance content discovery and user interaction.

Implications for Marketers

For marketers, understanding the evolving dynamics of hashtag usage on Threads and other platforms is crucial. While the traditional impact of hashtags may be waning, their strategic use can still offer benefits in specific contexts. Marketers should consider the following:

  1. Platform-Specific Strategies: Different platforms have varying algorithms and engagement metrics. Tailoring hashtag strategies to each platform’s unique environment can optimize reach and engagement.

  2. Content Relevance: Ensure that hashtags accurately reflect the content of posts to enhance discoverability and avoid penalties associated with irrelevant tagging.

  3. Audience Alignment: Use hashtags to connect with specific communities and audiences, leveraging their potential to foster engagement and build brand loyalty.


The ongoing evolution of hashtag usage on social media platforms like Threads presents both challenges and opportunities for marketers. As Threads experiments with new hashtag implementations, it underscores the need for contextual clarity in content discovery. For tech-savvy marketers, staying informed about these developments and adapting strategies is essential for maximizing engagement and reach in an ever-changing digital landscape.