Halloween is one of the most beloved and celebrated holidays of the year. As such, many behaviors fluctuate during the event, which is often beneficial for engagement. If you are looking to glean more insights into dominant Halloween trends, then you have to check out Google “Frightgeist” 2023.

Frighteningly Good

Google recently refreshed its “Frightgeist” mini-site for 2023, providing an interactive overview of notable trends for the spooky season. Frightgeist 2021, from a marketing perspective, was a success, so the 2023 version should have some interesting figures. Then again, you probably will not need it much since you likely already know the month’s top costume trend.

Without too much surprise, the box office phenomenon that was Barbie: The Movie found its way into Halloween. Plenty of people are keen to show off their Barbie and Ken outfits. So, expect your Feeds to be cluttered with people in blonde wigs and pink clothes asking, “Trick or Treat?”

Google “Frightgeist” 2023, as it has always done, has a listing of the seasonal top costumes. The above-map display always comes in handy, especially since it shows you the most-searched outfits by U.S. region. If you think about it, how funny would it be to have state employees show up in Barbie costumes? In addition, there is also Google’s “Costume Wizard”, which can help you come up with a costume idea.

By this time, it is probably too late, but Frightgeist does teach us something – seasonal holidays are engagement rockets. Halloween, and other holidays like it, is a strong discussion point for many, offering opportunities for brand reach expansion. Beyond attending and organizing Trick or Treat events, user insights can serve as a different sort of ‘candy’. While you might think that Halloween costumes are for kids, a lot of people would beg to differ. Halloween is as much a lead-generation activity as it is a global celebration.

The Wrap

While it may not be much help for your spooky season ventures, Google “Frightgeist” 2023 remains an interesting reference point. If you need to identify key pop culture trends and interests across US states, then consider looking here. You can refer to Frightgeist at any time. So, if you are looking for a potential theme for your upcoming promotions, then Frighgeist is worth looking back at. In any case, quickly dropping by the mini-site can help familiarize you with what people are interested in.

