Halloween is one of the most exciting times of the year for children, and it is also the biggest annual costume party in the world. If you want to make this year’s Halloween truly memorable, Google has just updated their Halloween trends mini-site, which will undoubtedly provide you with much-needed inspiration for creating a genuinely terrifying costume.

‘Frightgeist’ is a Google trends mini-site that mostly highlights important costume trends based on search volume. The site itself has a highly interactive user interface that displays a stylised map of the United States with little housing icons. When you tap on a house icon, you’ll get more information about local costume trends as well as more information about associated search activity.

Frightgeist also includes a costume wizard, which is simply a costume generator that suggests outfits based on popular ideas in specific locations. It also includes the unusual feature of allowing you to select the ‘uniqueness’ and ‘spookiness’ level of a costume. The mini-site is a terrific place to find creative costumes that will make you stand out. Similarly, those wishing to sell costumes or plan themed events can utilize Frightgeist to stay up to date on Halloween search trends.

So far, here are the top Halloween costume trends:

  1. Squid Game

  2. Gorilla

  3. Britney Spears

  4. Carnage

  5. Venom

Actually, it’s a rather colorful lineup. Squid Game is Netflix’s most recent great hit, and while it doesn’t have any horror elements, the idea of killing to pay off debt seems frightening. The rest of the list can be figured out, but that’s how ‘trending’ works.

Other popular couple costumes include ‘Trixie and Timmy Turner’ from the cartoon ‘The Fairly Odd Parents’, and ‘Bonnie and Clyde,’ while Squid Game is the top trending dog costume.

The Wrap

This Google Maps Guide To Halloween highlights all key locations within your area. It can come in mighty handy for engagement and lead generation activities. Besides helping you come up with amazing costume ideas, the Google Trends listing can also contribute to your Halloween Marketing campaigns by providing you with critical insights about this year’s favored Halloween elements.

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