Twitter seems to be well ahead of the competition when it comes to welcoming 2022. In fact, Twitter is so keen on wanting to start the new year right that it has recently published its own ‘2022 Planning Guide’. The guide is meant to assist you in coming up with an effective Tweet strategy and includes a range of templates, tips, and prompts. Time to really think about how you can maximize your 2022 Tweet approach.

Careful Planning

So get this, the full guide is a whole 69-pages long, but that’s only because it includes a couple of pages worth of fillable, journal-style monthly calendar listings. Let’s take a look at some of the key highlights from Twitter’s newest strategy manual, shall we? For those wanting to make Twitter more of a focus next year, then this guide is definitely worth at least a look.

To start things off, Twitter prompts marketers to plan ahead. There are templates to assist with advance-planning, allowing you to map out a month-by-month Tweet strategy. Planning ahead is also a core practice, especially in business and administrative management, where the extra time allows you to set up contingencies, alternatives, and fallbacks.

Next up, the guide aims to help marketers in developing guiding principles for their strategies by outlining keywords and certain visual approaches such as emojis, images, and the like. Once developed, they can then use these ‘principles’ as bases for their overall guidelines. In truth, this valuable element is often overlooked. By prompting people to consider these elements, it pushes for a more uniform strategic approach, maximizing alignment with your Tweets.

Twitter was also kind enough to include a range of prompts, suggesting what nature of Tweets you can a lot for each month. This way, your Tweet approach is more diverse, allowing your Tweet engagement to have higher degrees of reach and relevance.

However, a large portion of the guide is dedicated to the month-by-month listings, where Twitter has seemingly left spaces for marketers to input daily details regarding key ad campaigns, events, and objectives. Having this definitely helps monitor and track performance.

Last but not least on the guide is a list of Tweet tips and notes, giving you just that tiny nudge to really maximize and squeeze the most out of your Tweets.

The Wrap 

It’s actually a pretty useful overview. Think of it as an exclusive Twitter planner, you know the kind they really hype up on Starbucks, only this one is free, with the only real drawback being that it’s not really a physical object. Nonetheless, even the most confident and savviest of Twitter users can still benefit from due outlining and careful planning. Taking time with your approach may yet reveal new elements and opportunities that you might not have come across before.

With the various prompts and even a dedicated tips section, the new guide is, as noted, at least worth taking a look at. Who knows, it just might be the ‘Twitter-bible’ that you’ve been looking for for so long.

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