YouTube is continually evolving its platform to maximize content discovery and viewer engagement. In its latest experiment, the platform is testing a unified feed that integrates both Shorts and long-form videos, allowing these two distinct content types to coexist in a single, streamlined viewing experience. This move marks a significant shift in how YouTube presents content to its users, raising questions about the potential benefits and challenges of such an approach.

The Rise of YouTube Shorts

Since their introduction, YouTube Shorts have quickly become a major driver of engagement on the platform. With over 70 billion views daily, Shorts have captured the attention of users seeking quick, digestible content. This format has proven to be especially popular among younger audiences, who are accustomed to the fast-paced, scrollable nature of short-form videos.

Recognizing the success of Shorts, YouTube is now looking to leverage this popularity to promote its long-form content. The idea is to use the highly engaging Shorts feed as a gateway to introduce users to longer videos, potentially increasing overall viewership across different content types.

The Experiment: Merging Video Formats

YouTube’s experiment involves placing long-form videos within the Shorts feed, which is traditionally reserved for vertical, short-form content. The goal is to create a more integrated viewing experience, where users can seamlessly transition from Shorts to longer videos within the same feed. This could help users discover content they might not have encountered otherwise, enhancing their overall experience on the platform.

However, this experiment raises some important considerations. The Shorts feed is designed for vertical, bite-sized videos, which are easily consumed on mobile devices. Introducing horizontally formatted long-form videos into this feed could create a jarring experience for users. The challenge for YouTube will be to ensure that these different video formats are presented in a way that feels natural and cohesive, rather than disruptive.

Potential Benefits and Challenges

From a strategic standpoint, YouTube’s experiment makes sense. By merging Shorts and long-form videos into a single feed, the platform could drive more traffic to longer videos, which often generate higher ad revenue and viewer retention. This could be particularly beneficial for creators who produce a mix of content types, as it may increase the visibility of their long-form videos among Shorts viewers.

For viewers, the unified feed could offer a more diverse and engaging experience. Rather than being confined to one content type, users would have the opportunity to explore a broader range of videos, potentially discovering new creators and interests along the way. This could lead to longer sessions on the platform as users move from one type of content to another without leaving the feed.

However, there are also challenges to consider. The integration of long-form videos into the Shorts feed could blur the lines between these two distinct formats, potentially confusing viewers. For example, if a user is expecting to see a quick, vertical video but is instead presented with a longer, horizontal clip, it could disrupt their viewing experience and lead to frustration.

Additionally, YouTube creators may face challenges in understanding how their content is being categorized and measured. According to YouTube, long-form videos that are viewed in the Shorts feed may be counted as Shorts in YouTube Analytics. This could complicate creators’ efforts to track performance metrics and optimize their content strategies.

The Future of YouTube Viewing

This experiment could signal a broader shift in how YouTube envisions its platform’s future. If successful, the integration of Shorts and long-form videos into a unified feed could lead to a more full-screen, vertically aligned viewing experience on YouTube, similar to other popular social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. This could redefine how content is created and consumed on the platform, with a greater emphasis on mobile-friendly, vertically-oriented videos.

However, the success of this experiment will ultimately depend on how users respond to the changes. If the integration feels seamless and enhances the overall viewing experience, it could pave the way for a new era of content discovery on YouTube. On the other hand, if the experiment proves too disruptive or confusing, YouTube may need to reconsider its approach and explore other ways to promote long-form content.


YouTube’s experiment with a unified feed for Shorts and long-form videos represents a bold move to capitalize on the success of its short-form content while promoting longer videos. By merging these two formats, YouTube aims to create a more integrated and engaging viewing experience that benefits both viewers and creators. However, the success of this experiment will depend on how well YouTube can balance the different content types within a single feed and how users respond to the changes. As the platform continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how this experiment shapes the future of content consumption on YouTube.