YouTube is also going to dip its toes into generative AI. With X recently announcing its coming ‘Grok’ chatbot, YouTube is cashing in on the hype by introducing its own. YouTube is testing its new AI chatbot, hoping to give viewers an alternative engagement experience. The AI will allow viewers to ask questions about the videos they watch, while YouTube also introduces new topic summaries for comments.

NewTube Stuff

Let us begin by taking a look at the comment summaries. Meta introduced comment summaries to drive conversation around each creator’s clip. As a result, creators can glean more context from viewer interests. YouTube’s new AI comment summaries also creates sub-discussions within the comment stream, allowing creators to see what people say.

For those partaking in the experiment, tapping on the “Comments” section will allow you to also tap on “Topics.” After tapping the topics tab, YouTube will display a section of topic areas, depending on the clip.

As YouTube explains:

“Creators can use these comment summaries to more quickly jump into comment discussions on their videos or to draw inspiration for new content based on what their audiences are discussing. If creators want to remove any comment topics, they can delete individual comments that show up under the specific topic.”

It could be an interesting way to help creators and viewers engage with clips. YouTube says that the experiment currently runs on a small number of English videos with many comments. YouTube Premium members can opt-in to the test via

On another front, YouTube is testing out its new chatbot, which will allow users to ask questions about a video. With it, viewers can dig a little deeper into specific topics. YouTube’s new “Ask” option will provide suggestions on questions that might interest you based on each clip. Meanwhile, you can also enter your own prompts for more topic exploration.

It could be a good way to help guide in-app discovery behaviors as viewers dig into a specific topic. Fair warning, YouTube has been known to drive people down into internet rabbit holes. In a way, it could prove to be just as problematic as it is beneficial. YouTube additionally notes that these are experimental features and, as such, are still in development. It will be interesting to see how users view this new chat element and how it influences in-app discovery.

YouTube says that the new “Ask” option is currently available to a small number of people. But in the coming weeks, US YouTube Premium members on Android can join the experiment.

The Wrap

Like all social platforms, YouTube is working to understand how generative AI can improve the user experience. YouTube is also experimenting with generative AI backgrounds for clips and idea generator prompts to help guide creation. While none of these new projects seem like “must-haves,” they slowly become more relied upon. YouTube is testing its new chatbot, which is one of the many ways it can integrate AI into its systems.
