While Twitter has been handing out a favorable number of resources to help out businesses in general  this coming holiday season, it’s rather timely that they released a more specific guide catered towards eCommerce stores and online shops. Everyone everywhere has a lot of preparation to do before the holiday season gets here and businesses are no exception.

Fortunately for us, this new marketing checklist Twitter came up with arrived just in time. By making some adjustments as mentioned on the mini-guide, you may yet be able to optimize and, subsequently maximize your holiday.

Check It Twice

1. Research Relevant Hashtags and Set Up Your Tracking

The Hashtag is Twitter’s Bread & Butter. Outside of maximizing content discovery they also help in analytics and strategic planning. It’s good if you have a very spontaneous mind, but in case you need a little bit of help, enlist the aid of a hashtag research tool!

That’s right, there are auto-hashtag research tools and some of the best include:

  • KeywordTool.io – A comprehensive keyword search tool with a complimentary hashtag list and a suite of its own secondary analytics tools.

  • Hashtagify – A hashtag specialist tool able to identify millions of Twitter feeds at a time.

  • Text Optimizer – Literally a tool that “optimizes” text by providing you with an analysis of potential underlying concepts across interconnected topics.

2. Find and Connect To Indluencers

It’s always a good idea to partner with influencers, vloggers, and other influential personalities. The added reach is a great boost to brand engagement and certain influencers are so big and popular that endorsement from them can also cause brand perception and reputation to skyrocket. You might have the time to scout for potential partnerships, or you don’t; that’s why we’re going to share with you this nifty tool that can help.

Buzzsumo is a great connection tool to find and build connections with the ideal niche influencers. It worlds pretty much like Google Search; simply type in your keywords and look through the list that pops up. Once you have a populated list of choice candidates, Buzzsumo then displays profile statistics, including number of followers as well as retweet ratios, all very juicy metrics to really identify “real” influencers.

3. Optimize Your Site For Conversions 

Prior to launching your campaign, the best move is to also have a clear conversion optimization strategy behind it. Especially if you plan on running an eCommerce store, you’ll have to ensure that the total flow of your campaign integrates nothing but the best in terms of customer experience (UE) and user interface (UI). Don’t forget all of the SEO goodness – CTAs, captions, links – elements that focus on engagement and increase the likelihood of successful sales must be taken into account.

4. Track Your Results

Analytics was introduced for a reason. Analytics data tells you how your campaigns are doing. The earlier you can set up your events and goals, the more data you’ll have to work with. While Twitter has its built-in analytics tools, if you feel like it’s still a bit lacking, then you can try Finteza.

Finteza is a simple and highly accessible web analytics tool. Use it in conjunctions with your existing Twitter data to track conversion funnels and its interaction with your Twitter traffic in order to expose any potential roadblocks.

The Wrap

Holiday marketing is both exciting and exhausting, especially if you consider the pace at which social media operates. You have access to more channels compared to conventional means, meaning that you also have the potential to generate significantly more. In that regard, you also are at risk to lose just as much if you were not able to build a sound enough strategy.

What this marketing checklist has made clear is that convenience is one of the key determinants of finding success online. There are tools that can make your marketing that much easier and more manageable, allowing you to focus on the other elements to craft really solid plans and strategies.

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