Looking to maximize your connection with your Twitter audience? While there’s no clear answer on how you can achieve this, what’s clear is that there are certain things that brands should and should not post to gain more user traction on Twitter. Strategies will always vary from business to business, but there are certain general guide notes that you can take from Twitter users, which could just help shape a more effective approach in terms of your marketing.

What They Want Tweeted

This seems to be the focus of Twitter’s latest research report, in which Twitter took time to speak to 2000 of its users to glean more insight into what they like and don’t like to see from brands.

As Twitter explains:

“Now more than ever, it’s important for brands to understand how and when people want them to show up in the public conversation. That’s why the brand strategy experts at Twitter Next conducted first-of-its-kind research about people’s attitudes on Twitter – analyzing thousands of Tweets from the world’s most iconic brands and conducting tests and surveys in eight countries – and what that means for the evolution of brand behavior.”

The report could have some valuable pointers to consider for your Tweet approach. Twitter’s full report is available here. To condense the details, here are some keynotes and highlights from the report:

  • Brand engagement on Twitter has been increasing YoY from 2019 to 2020, scoring an average of 23% more Tweets and around 20% more re-Tweets (shares).

  • 80% of users don’t mind “being sold to” online so long as the methods used were engaging, fun, and informative.

  • 1 in 2 that were surveyed agree that brands that rely on jokes can feel outdated. That goes to say that around 50% of people would better resonate with brands that use tones that are appropriate with the times.

  • People on Twitter like to weigh in on appropriate brand topics. One prominent example is that 37% of users believe that brands SHOULD consider the themes of cultural holidays. Alternatively, around 65% agree that brands COULD appropriate content about TV shows.

  • Reactions will always vary and each positive one will always have a corresponding negative one.

The Wrap

These are some sensible insights and could very much help you craft a more relevant Tweet approach or at least one that’ll net you a better reaction with your intended audience. With you as the brand, what this data shows are potential things that your market would like to see from you, so better aligning with the elements highlighted in the report would likely lead to more favorable outcomes.

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