This has got to be the third highlight Twitter has made about annual totals, this time by sharing a couple of examples about the most successful agency-oriented campaigns throughout 2021, which could spark more creative considerations in terms of your planning.

While not all brands will be able to run Trend Takeover Promotions or have large scale giveaways, you can still use similar ideas as inspiration – here’s a look into some of the campaigns who were all deserving of the spotlight.


Starting things off would be the campaign ‘Got Milk?’ Created by ad agency  CALLEGOS United, the campaign itself was a limited push in celebration of National Milk Day.

Twitter explains:

“Got milk? wanted to connect with and own the conversation around #NationalMilkDay (1/11/21). The brand aimed to promote messages of positivity and generate positive sentiment about the brand and dairy milk on Twitter.”

From the Tweet above, the brand launched a ‘Milk Grams’ delivery service, which saw it share custom Tweets with users who responded to their initial Tweet. The Tweet garnered over 130 replies, enabling Got Milk to respond with a range of positive messages with various handles, cementing the brand’s position in the market.

While it wasn’t viral or anything massive, it did help Got Milk essentially re-state its brand purpose, while, at the same time, allowing it to expand its messaging through various replies and responses. On an interesting note:

“GALLEGOS and Got Milk also partnered with popular Korean Pop band, BTS, resulting in some viral Tweets.”

Regardless of who you are and what you’re pushing for, partnering up with possibly the biggest presence on the platform, and perhaps in the entire world even (at least presently), BTS, will definitely net you some form of attention.

Twitter also highlights another campaign, this time by HOKA  footwear, which aimed to both promote the brand, while simultaneously celebrating the work of nurses during the pandemic.

Again, Twitter explains:

“HOKA usually targets athletes (especially runners). But during the COVID-19 pandemic – nurses and health care workers, not athletes, were the most visible, inspiring examples of endurance.  HOKA wanted to connect with this audience and joined the on-going conversation of support around nurses.”

Through the use of targeted ads, HOKA was able to maximize its branding, while simultaneously lauding the work and sacrifice of nurses, thus linking to what were, at the time, trending discussions. The campaign underlines the importance of utilizing trends relevant to your brand in order to stay part of discussion.

The Wrap 

Many of these examples make use of Twitter ads tools, such as remarketing, trending takeovers, and video ads. So, in a certain perspective, Twitter is essentially not just rewarding campaigns that’ve performed outstandingly, but is also showcasing its various ad tools and options that might just impact your personal approach.

Really, as time has proven again and again, the key to marketing is grabbing attention, and tapping into the specific platform, which in this case is Twitter, in creative ways. Again, methods will vary, but so far, the best general approach is to consider how your brand, specifically, can best engage users, which, again, is a varied combination of visuals, messaging, and theme.

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