Christmas is a mere 68 days away! For consumers, that’s roughly a little over two months to save up cash and prepare a holiday shopping list. For marketers, it could be an indicator if they’re likely doing well or slightly falling behind in terms of their marketing plans. With new opportunities appearing the closer we get to Santa’s visit, the opportunity cost also fluctuates the more you miss out on key trends.

This is what is underlined in Twitter’s latest analytics data. It highlights key moments from different holiday-related trends to help marketers better position themselves to be in-line with user-activity peaks. Coincidentally, the report also includes Tweet behavior surrounding major holidays, highlighting a significant rise in related tweet activity over the past year.

12 days prior, Twitter also announced the overhaul of its Christmas Hub, which did mention that the marketing mini-site’s database will be updated accordingly as newer trends emerge. This new set data comes in rather timely, as brands muster the extra effort to clean up any discrepancies with their holiday marketing plans in lieu of favorable forecasts stemming from the easing of COVID restrictions. All new potential opportunities bring with them myriad insights that may lead to the emergence of totally new and unexpected trends. To best describe it, this holiday season looks to be the biggest global hype after nearly 2 years of lockdowns.

Of the figures mentioned, this one serves to be very significant: there are 84 million tweets regarding the holidays back in 2020. Data shows a 42% increase in replies in the last year and a subsequent QT score of 19% What all these numbers point to is a general surge of Twitter activity the more we get into the holidays, which is pivotal information for marketers and advertisers still looking to get their bearings as to which channels would be effective for their holiday campaigns and promotions.

Though they’re not Snapchat, Twitter can still hold its own as a highly influential holiday platform, both for personal use as well as for marketing. It’s not among the most visited, but it is the number one repository of news, flash announcements, and the go-to for site status checking other than We expect that within the next 20 days, new data will be available that should provide even more guidance as to what trends will likely dominate the holidays.

The Wrap

Christmas 2021 looks to be a big one, perhaps the biggest ever since quarantines were enforced. With the easing of restrictions, people are hopeful and the idea of once again being able to partake in physical social gatherings and reunions is driving both real life and online purchases. Platforms such as Twitter, one who has learned to make effective use of its ads, is great at driving people to action. The various interactions and discovery algorithms help guide people to useful and satisfying content that aids them in deciding which gifts to get.

Such a combination of positive factors makes strategic marketing redesign a crucial step in helping a lot of brands recover from the harsh economic blow dealt by the pandemic. #Christmas2021 is looking festive for everyone indeed.

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