With the holidays fast approaching, all of the major platforms are working to update their ad tools to maximize ad spend and boost campaign performance.

This has become more important in recent times due to the broader economic downturn, which has impacted the results of all social apps as marketing budgets shrink and businesses reassess their promotional activity. As such, the holiday push will provide a chance for each platform to showcase what they got, which is the key focus of Twitter’s latest ad updates.

Twitter’s Up For It

Today, Twitter announced a new and improved Twitter Pixel for website visitor tracking, an updated Conversion API, and even a new App Purchase Optimization process to help improve your Twitter ads campaigns.

Let’s start with Twitter’s updated Pixel – the new version of Twitter’s Pixel enables advertisers to track more actions, like when somebody adds an item to their shopping cart. Twitter has also simplified its Pixel’s activations and integration process. Pixel tracking can provide direct data insights to help inform your campaigns, filling some of the gaps left by users who opted out of app tracking. It won’t facilitate the same data at scale, but who can complain about more insight, right? These new Pixels could make it easier to utilize Twitter’s Pixel elements.

Meanwhile, there’s also its new Conversion API, which will enable advertisers to feed conversation data back to their Twitter account, minus the use of third-party cookies. This new API is the first major step in Twitter’s broader effort to build for a cookie-less future.

The last new element is App Purchase Optimization, which will enable advertisers to deliver ads to Twitter users that are most likely to install an app or make a purchase ’by using machine learning to identify audiences that are more likely to take an action’. The process will utilize Twitter’s evolving machine learning tools to select the ideal audience for your campaigns, which could help maximize performance. Twitter says that in early testing, 89% of advertisers saw a reduction in the cost-per-purchase.

To add to these new updates, Twitter has also shared some detail on its in-development ad options, which still elude an official release date. Again, with the holiday push coming fast, you can bet Twitter will be trying to chug them out in a rush. Let’s first take a look at Twitter’s ‘Coming Soon’ item that’s Collection Ads. These will allow advertisers to highlight a ‘hero’ image, along with smaller thumbnail previews (up to 5) of related products beneath.

Twitter says that it’s also rebuilding its Web Conversion Optimization model to help advertisers reach people who are more likely to convert. Lastly, Twitter’s also developing a new type of Dynamic Product ads that ‘deliver relevant products to the right person, at the right time, based on their activity both on and off Twitter’. Twitter’s current Dynamic Product Ads are based on website tracking, with Twitter able to show users ads based on the web pages they’ve visited. This new approach takes on a more privacy-focused path to optimize ad performance with fewer signals.

The Wrap

Besides being numerous, these are significant additions to Twitter’s advertising arsenal, which also signal Twitter’s biggest steps yet in moving more into line with evolving restrictions and privacy tools. This is a necessary development though, but in terms of actual value and how effective they might be will come down to how good Twitter’s machine learning tools are, and whether or not the right people see your ads. If the system works, then these updates could be a big boost for Twitter marketers.

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