Twitter is once again holding its annual brand tweet competition titled “Best of Tweets”. If you’re a brand that recently had a good campaign on Twitter, buckle up! You might be among the nominees to win the crown for best brand tweets in 2021.

As described by Twitter:

“Twitter’s Best Of Tweets is our hall of fame, our GOAT, our crowning achievement for the brands that creatively leveraged Twitter this year to launch something new or to connect to what’s happening like no one else could. And we want to hear from you, does your brand deserve to be crowned a winner?”

The awards look to celebrate the best tweet campaigns across a range of categories. Notable brands from last year’s competition include Uber, Ben & Jerry’s, Gatorade, and more. The entire event itself is more a celebratory gathering rather than a prize-giving occasion. Come to think of it, the only real prize is the added recognition and promotion.

Twitter has been hosting this annual competition since 2016. To be eligible for nomination, you had to follow specific guidelines and provide a summary about your campaign and an explanation as to why it should be crowned the best. Nothing is ever as easy as it sounds as the competition judges are ever on the lookout for specific criteria that contribute to the campaign’s effectiveness. Attributes such as impact and reach now come into play, attesting to the complex mix of visuals and thematics involved in planning.

An Oversight

Though light and direct, what we can get from this news is that advertising is still relevant enough to have big brand names put much effort into Twitter ad campaigns to snag a theoretical crown. While there is no tangible prize from Twitter, the prize comes in the form of audience impact. Remember that these are still ad campaigns and that whatever featured product or service was on them was still very much legitimate and in force. They weren’t campaigns created solely for the competition, but were optimized mainly for Twitter launch.

This just gives us an idea of how viable a marketing platform Twitter is. Despite having fewer total numbers than Facebook, an analysis by Adweek found out that engagement rates for Twitter ads were as high as 1-3% compared to Facebook’s CTR average of about 0.119%. Wordstream presented an excellent comparative analysis of Twitter and Facebook ad performance.

The Wrap

Twitter is still a growing platform and shows much potential. Though it’s primarily a niche platform, the relatively young demographic who show an affinity for the platform provides a decent sample from which new trends and insights may be derived from. While marketing efforts on Twitter are generally more expensive than on Facebook, this does not imply that Twitter is the economically inferior option, but rather that it can be a more strategic choice depending on who you’re attempting to reach and how well your strategy is aligned with the platform’s culture.

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