Looking to tap into the rising popularity of gaming in the app and establish stronger relations with the gaming community, Twitter announced that it’s hosting a series of watch parties for the new Paramount+ TV series ‘Halo’ – a show based on the legendary game that etched the Xbox in history.

As Twitter explains:

“To celebrate the launch of the highly-anticipated premiere of Halo, cast members Olive Gray, Kate Kennedy, and executive producer Kiki Wolfkill will be meeting virtually to discuss the video game adaptation and its impact on culture. The roundtable will indulge super fans with a live stream, behind-the-scenes peek into the making of the show with a special focus on the premiere episode.”

Streaming on Twitter Now!

Twitter will host weekly ‘After-Show Watch Parties’ for nine straight weeks, offering fans exclusive, behind-the-scenes insights into the show’s development, as well as plans for future expansion.

On that note, gaming seems to be a key focus for Twitter – just as it seems to also be for every other social network.

Remember in the old days when our elders would say that ‘gaming is bad for you’? Well, maybe too much of it is, but nowadays, gaming has become a key driver of modern web culture, with the majority of the most viewed YouTube channels at least influenced by gaming. In 2021, the gaming discussion on Twitter reached new heights, with more than 2.4 billion gaming-related Tweets shared.

It’s estimated that gaming discussion via Tweet increased by 14% YoY, expanding more than 10x since 2017. Meanwhile, Q4 2021 was the biggest quarter ever for gaming conversation on Twitter. This makes it clear why Twitter looks to lean into the growing trend and facilitate more connection to the gaming community. Coincidentally, this also happens to be Twitter’s first new initiative within its renewed content deal with ViacomCBS, helping ensure more original content circulates in the app.

The Wrap

Though gaming was never the biggest engagement surface on Twitter, it sure is gaining ground fast. What was once treated as a degenerate plague among the young, gaming has evolved into one of the biggest connection surfaces in the world, equally presenting Twitter and all other social platforms with new opportunities.

This could make Twitter a more attractive platform for marketers and other actors looking to connect to a broader gaming community. At the same time, this development could also open more doors for future watch parties and tie-ins, allowing Twitter to maximize most of its new tools and features to significantly boost interest and engagement.

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