With a resurgence of lockdown protocols during Christmas time, hundreds of thousands of people form the UK were forced to self-isolate, dampening what would have otherwise been a momentous time for physical reunions and celebrations.

However, all is not lost, as what was taken in terms of physical communication, they gained in social media. Despite having already relied on social media to stay connected for the past 2 years, it seemed to have played an even greater role in maintaining relations this holiday season, with people being able to share festivities, post pictures of their food and drinks, and even show off their colorful decorations and seasonal pet costumes. What they weren’t able to do physically, they were still able to at least do, thanks to social media, making it look like being online was actually the second best thing to do if you wanted to share the holiday spirit.

A Digital Christmas

The Hashtag #JoinIn trended on Twitter just this Saturday, allowing users to admire each other’s makeshift Christmas dinners. Despite essentially sharing solo or personal celebrations, the connectivity provided a means to feel as though users had each other’s real company. It’s highly profound, but equally effective.

Comedian Sarah Millican drove the initiative, urging her followers “Not to leave people hanging”, especially those who were just looking for company. With help from the undeniable Spirit of Christmas, people started sharing photos and videos, regardless of where they were and who they were with. Twitter even made themselves chat-ready, just in case someone was feeling a bit too dreary in self-isolation.

People were thoughtful enough so as to include even simple breakfast shares, where users posted a range of food items from Christmas tree-shaped crumpets to holiday-flavored drinks. Other took the discussion away from food, and more towards their precious pets, whether they were rocking adorable Christmas attires or simply just enjoying a good tear-down of some shiny gift wrappers. It was all very wholesome and entertaining.

George, who was a cat at Stourbridge Junction, West Midlands, had his entire day at the station documented, with the staff treating him to a whole bunch of activities from dawn up to his post-lunch wash up. The account Tweeted this in summary:

“I am very lucky to have so many people who are kind to me. I know that this time of year can be difficult for many. Please don’t feel alone.” 

The Wrap

In very rare situations like this, we focus on what good social media can bring, and how small pushes, like what Millican did, can cause bigger waves of effects to gush out. In the light of Christmas, the most important thing to remember is that it’s that time each year that you’ll neve spend alone, regardless of circumstance.

User Jo Griffith exemplifies this by Tweeting:

“I was feeling a bit low this morning but I’m a bit more festive now so I thought I’d say hi to the #JoinIn community. You’ve all kept me company for at least three Christmases now and I wish you all the most wonderful day.”

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