If you are a fan of excessively long Tweets, you would be better off reading an article. 25K Tweets are now a thing! Back in February, Twitter gave Twitter Blue subscribers a 4,000-character Tweet limit. Twitter then expanded the limit to 10,000 characters in April. And now, Twitter is looking to expand the limit to 25,000 characters, which sounds too much. It is hard to determine what use cases would benefit from long Tweets unless every Twitter Blue happens to be an aspiring author.

Check out this sample Tweet. Granted, it is in another language, so translations factor in, especially when contextualizing. Even so, it does not make sense for a single Tweet to be this long. Turning a paragraph into a Tweet conflicts with the very nature of Tweets. Then again, considering Elon Musk’s plans for the platform, brevity is no longer the primary goal.

Twitter Papers

Besides 25K Tweets, Twitter also added the capacity to attach inline images to long Tweets. Again, this function remains exclusive to Twitter Blue subscribers, who received access last week. So, to highlight, Twitter Blue subscribers can now create blog-style content, complete with integrated visuals. Such a drastic change in direction should lead to new challenges and opportunities for Twitter. This shift could lead to new ways for users to engage in the app, but we do not have sufficient data yet showing how users are responding to these longer ‘see more’ Tweets.

If you were there when Twitter first gained fame, you realize how much it has deviated from its roots. Twitter used to be the go-to place for real-time news updates and, occasionally, creative one-liners. It is now shifting to a more opinion-driven forum format, where people share their views and engage in lengthy debates. Given this, the update aligns with Musk’s vision to expand the app’s functionality. Musk hopes to provide a place where users can share more types of content, including long-form text and video. Here’s the idea – if Twitter can offer better monetization opportunities, it could become a more central focus for creators. If more creators can directly share their content in-app, they are less likely to depend on external platforms for increased reach.

That could be a valuable opportunity if Twitter can get its monetization program right. However, it remains to be seen whether or not users actually want to consume long-form content on Twitter. It’s currently a mixed bag of opinions, with Twitter needing to do plenty of refinement. Think about it – would you really want to go through a 25K Tweet that’s basically just a rant?

The Wrap

Regardless, this is what Elon’s grand vision currently looks like. Musk wants to create an ‘everything app’ that touches every facet of online interaction. He’s trying to rewrite history by creating an all-new Twitter ecosystem. In this context, it does make sense for Twitter to build more tools into its system. Currently gated behind a Twitter Blue subscription, it will be interesting to see if users will warm up. A paywall is already a strong deterrent. Considering that Twitter Blue subscribers make up less than 1% of the app’s total user base, it’s hard to see how any mass adoption actually happens for its newer projects. The good news? If you want 25K Tweets, then at least they’re available! Just be comfortable forking over $8 a month to Twitter.

