It looks like TikTok wants in on the action, too. With another major international marketing event on the way, TikTok has recently outlined some tips for brands looking to tap into the Super Bowl hype in the app. This includes some notes about how you can further optimize the app’s different trends and features to effectively boost your engagement.

TikTok may not be the first platform that comes to mind when talking about sports engagement, but there is, in fact, a significantly high level of interest among its audience:

As TikTok reports:

“57% of TikTok users watch sports content on TikTok every week, and TikTok is 1.2x more likely to be the sole focus while using, vs. video streaming platforms, meaning that your brand’s sports video is likely to get a user’s undivided, enthusiastic attention.”

Bowling Time

TikTok goes on to say that many athletes even share behind-the-scenes footage in the app, along with various trends for users to tap into all major events, including sports. To start, TikTok says that brands with a TV spot or related push should also consider posting on the app to maximize their reach and resonance. TikTok says that when a brand is on both TV and TikTok, users report higher favorability and reliability. 

TikTok also notes that brands must also update their creative to be more in line with it, too:

“Even simple changes can make it more native. Quick adaptations include:

  • Transitions – Simple transitions can include a fade, whip, spin, or slide into the next section of your video.

  • Effects – Consider the use of overlays like glitches, color filters, or dividers that separate video into sections.

  • Captions – They’re popular in user-generated content, so they give content a native feel. Use them to detail your objective or highlight key points.

  • Design tip – Keep your caption (and other visual elements) in the middle-top area to avoid in-app elements at the bottom.”

Next up, TikTok recommends that brands should also look to create native content tied into the game. TikTok says that brands can enhance their in-app perception by joining relevant communities – like #SportsTikTok. You can research relevant Hashtags to align your content with. Also, partnering with creators is another great way to boost your messaging, in a more TikTok-specific way. Taking notes via TikTok’s Creative Center could also offer you another way to connect to key discussions and moments.

The Wrap

Given TikTok’s current popularity, it could be a worthwhile consideration. While Twitter, surprisingly, remains the leader in real-time discussion, major trends also flow across every social app, offering new opportunities to link in and potentially generate more engagement for your business. In particular, the Super Bowl has proven to be a valuable avenue in this regard. With the right approach, perhaps TikTok can be your way to achieve virality this year.
