With the passing of time, it grows more evident each day that the future of society now lies in the hands of younger generations. Young people are becoming CEOs and business leaders; It’s the young that are heading revolutionary research in the field of science and technology; more young people are serving public interest – all these point to the fact that tomorrow doesn’t lie with the youth, but that tomorrow IS the youth.

Seems that to be young and hip is to secure relevance, and what better way to highlight this than to examine the latest happenings with TikTok. TikTok has become one of the biggest and most widely recognized social media platforms in the history of social media platforms, and one thing that makes it standout is the fact that the majority of its user base are ‘young adults’. Just in time for the holidays, what then would be the best gift to give to our youth?

TikTok has just published a listing of some of the most popular products on its platform throughout this year. 2021, to some, might have even been more of a roller coaster than 2020 and, true enough, the products that have gained significant traction on TikTok would testify to this. Most of the products in the listing were featured in various #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt trends.

As TikTok explains:

“When the TikTok community comes together, they move culture – and commerce – in powerful ways, and the #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt phenomenon is a prime example. Products they rave about become cultural sensations, inspiring people on and off TikTok to try, buy, and share with their networks, leading to massive consumer demand, out-of-stock shelves, and months-long waitlists for products.”

It’s funny that whenever TikTok publishes or releases something, it’s usually something totally different than what you’d expect. This popular-product list is actually its own mini-site, featuring 23 products ranging from fashion items to food. For some reason, it’s these products that have kept users captivated throughout the year, which is understandable, to an extent, considering that pandemic restrictions might have, in one way or another, caused these products to become more relevant.

Each product comes with a brief overview and also points to leading influencers and brands that shared clips about it. When you tap on ‘Learn More’, you are then redirected to a product page on the respective business’ website. While we can’t say for certain whether or not this is a paid promotional collaboration between TikTok and all the featured brands, what we are certain about is that it’s definitely a win-win; TikTok gets and shares insights, and brands get mammoth-amounts of exposure and marketing.

The Wrap

On a parsimonious note, it’s a good holiday push for TikTok. Helping people decide what they can get loved ones this coming holiday season definitely adds a couple of plus points to a platform’s reputation. Looking at it from a marketing perspective, you quickly catch a glimpse on just how influential TikTok has become. It’s entire format alone can greatly aid you in coming up with your own set of strategies.

Remember when we said that there are a lot of young people on TikTok? Well that’s the thing! If you want to also get more insight as to what younger influencers and creators are using and utilizing, then you can also look them up on TikTok and watch their content so you can get ideas from them. Man, TikTok really looks like it has this made. You might learn a thing or two, so why not give it a visit?

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