TikTok recently launched a new “Creative Assistant” tool within its ad tools. The AI-powered TikTok Creative Assistant guides marketers through various aspects of the campaign creation process. The assistant links marketers to relevant examples and tools, based on tools within TikTok’s Creative Center.

Assisting Creatively

The new TikTok Creative Assistant is a concierge of sorts for its existing Creative Center options. All Creative Center functions are built directly into TikTok’s new Creative Assistant. So, functionally, it is not a novel addition, but it does make it easier for advertisers to acquire relevant elements.

As TikTok explains:

“The latest evolution of creativity and productivity has led us to new paths of innovation. We’ve been working on a model that allows you to converse and collaborate with when creating for TikTok. It draws information from a wealth of TikTok-focused creative knowledge, providing you with the most relevant responses for when you’re creating ads or videos for TikTok.”

TikTok’s Creative Assistant guides you through TikTok best practices, advising you how to better start. At the same time, the assistant can also display the top-performing ads within your niche. It can also produce ad scripts. However, as mentioned earlier, all of these functions were already present in the TikTok Creative Center. This update, more or less, further streamlines the process of identifying and finding these elements.

TikTok’s ad script generator launched in June, while its top ads database has been active since 2021. Again, these options have been around for some time, this new tool just makes it easier to connect with them. Process streamlining has been shown to have good results. So, this expansion might give TikTok more leverage.

The Wrap

The new TikTok Creative Assistant is now available to all users logged into the TikTok Creative Center. Users can access the interface by tapping the icon on the top right of the screen. So, it is not really a new addition, but a new way to expound on an already existing process. At the very least, it could be worth checking out and seeing how it can fit in with your TikTok approach.

