Looking to maximize your TikTok campaign performance this holiday season? We’d be surprised if you weren’t! In any case, this should help – TikTok has recently published a new overview of the key steps you can take to improve the performance of your TikTok ads, starting with the data that you share for targeting audiences in the app, to adjusting ad groups after launch to refine your focus.

TikTok Advertising

So, right off the gate, TikTok points out that its ad tips are separated into five sections, mainly:

  • Signals
  • Targeting
  • Creative
  • Bidding and Budget
  • Adjusting In-Flight

Each segment includes a range of notes on how you can optimize each specific aspect, and align with in-depth, practical, and helpful pointers to guide your thinking. Many of these notes are fairly generic for online ad systems, but it also includes a couple of TikTok-specific ones too, such as using the TikTok pixel or TikTok’s ad manager tools to maximize your creative process.

“Video Insights surfaces the key frames of engagement and performance in your videos to inspire creative improvements, and TikTok Ads Manager’s Split Test makes it easy to run scientific A/B tests. Then with Automated Creative Optimization (ACO), you can automatically create new ad creative and select the best-performing creatives as you scale your campaign.”

Though not as prolific as other platforms when it comes to ad use, since short-form clips don’t exactly make for ideal ad revenue drivers, the ones that TikTok does utilize do enough of a good job to make it viable, at the very least. It may not be as straightforward as YouTube, but if you manage to find the right combination to use TikTok ads, it does allow you to tap into a large audience of young, informed, and determined potential shoppers, which could spell some big opportunities this coming holiday shopping rush.

The Wrap 

They’re certainly a couple of handy notes that could help frame your thinking around TikTok ads, and how you can use them to best effect. Along with this, TikTok has also published a more in-depth overview of each element, hoping that it’ll help provide additional insight to further aid in your planning. If you’re looking to use TikTok ads in any capacity, this is definitely worth a look. It’s also worth considering how each element would relate to your approach, allowing you to make fine adjustments in key areas.

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