As a proactive response to its rapid rise to fame, TikTok now looks to help more brands take a leap into TikTok content creation by introducing a new set of step-by-step guides that, in detail, discuss and showcase some of the most common and engaging video types found on the platform.

In line with the milestones it has already achieved and with its broader push towards higher eCommerce integration, TikTok, among others, stands to be a prime platform to be on, especially if you consider the initiatives it has taken to improve partnership-building and on-platform brand exposure and immersion. For example, the recent auto playbook TikTok released to help auto marketers make the most of its channels or the new video series it made that teaches marketers how to create more personalized content.

TikTok has definitely been one of the more stand-out social media platforms in recent years, and its massive potential is evident. To get the most out of it, you have to understand its core elements, which you can get more information on here.

The Heart Of TikTok

On top of playing an active role in terms of community-building and partner-empowerment, the holiday season stands to make TikTok a prime location to be in as the festivities and corresponding seasonal purchase behaviors start rolling in. The strength of TikTok lies in its ability to maintain and identify relevance, building a strong connection with its users and, for brands, with their target audiences.

As such, the most important factors to consider are often those we decide to gloss over when starting – the basics. TikTok places a big emphasis on maintaining its core elements, and anyone who wants to make it and make it big on the platform should opt to do the same.

To begin, TikTok suggests that brands create an introductory, first-person story clip. The clip should simply outline what their business is about and what exactly it is that they do. While TikToks shot guides are very specific, the entire composition of your clip doesn’t have to be. The main objective of introductory clips is to tell stories and build awareness; that, plus the fact that TikToks can’t be more than 60 seconds long.

Next, TikTok suggests including business posts and product showcase clips. Think of these as your TikTok-designed catalogs and portfolios; they say something more about you and your business and generally build more curiosity and interest for your brand.

Lastly, though in no specific order, TikTok suggests featuring customer story videos, whether they be reviews or testimonies. Customer videos are great transparency tools and can help build engagement for your brand by virtue of feedback and referral.

While these may appear simple or “basic,” their simplicity is defined in order to meet TikTok’s minimum standards. As basic as they may appear, they are, like the majority of the material on the network, designed to be as effective as possible as long as you are on TikTok.

The Wrap 

TikTok notes that in doing this, they allow brands to promote their clips to reach wider audiences without needing to have paid support. Featured in this guide are some good clip types that help brands better establish their TikTok presence, which, if you look at it carefully, is the most important and crucial step in gaining traction.

With a billion users and counting, TikTok is definitely a platform that you should look out for and at least try. After all, it won’t cost you much (or anything) just to try. Compared to relying on ads and promotional material, what TikTok offers you is how you can turn even personal content into brand-specific marketing tools without them explicitly appearing to viewers as such.

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