Barely 20 or more days into 2022 and already Christmas and New Year have passed us. Do you know what that means? Valentine’s Day is just around the bend! With one of the most decorated yearly holidays fast approaching, it’d be folly for anyone not to maximize their seasonal strategies and tie-campaigns, something that Snapchat is keen on getting right. During the day of hearts, emotions are not the only thing going up, as Snapchat’s usage during this time has repeatedly been observed to massively spike.

Will You Be My? 

According to Snapchat’s latest insights report, Stories and Lenses engagement increase significantly around Valentine’s Day. Snap saw a 65% increase in U.S. user activity back in 2021, compared to the preceding 14-day average.

The platform also notes that users are highly responsive to Valentine’s-related ad pushes, with its AR campaigns being particularly effective. As Snap reports:

“In the month of February 2021, Sponsored Lens campaigns in Europe that incorporated Valentine’s Day elements had a 175% higher share rate than campaigns without association. And Snapchatters are still swooning over video ads, as Collection Ad campaigns in the US with Valentine’s Day creative association had a 101% higher swipe-up rate than campaigns without association in 2021.”

Though it may not fit your target audience, Snapchat is still worth considering as the continuing rise in its users presents numerous opportunities. Fortunately, Snapchat included several case examples in its report, so you can check those out if you want more detailed and contextual information. Here, we’ll be doing what we do best, which is to go over keynotes and highlights.

  • Snap Love Languages 

As observed, certain keywords and topics are the focus of Snapchatters during Valentine’s day. As such, having an idea as to what discussions and conversations are happening or are going to happen in the app will better guide your approach and positioning.

  • Chatter Spikes 

As noted earlier, Snapchat usage around Valentine’s Day often sees a massive leap. Part of this leap has to do with conversations about the occasion and even includes a chart that graphs which times Snapchatters are most active. Use this information to strategically plan when to launch campaigns and promotions.

  • Positive Lens Usage

There’s no doubt that seasonal Lenses and effects will be released around Valentine’s, greatly improving Lens usage and engagement. Of the notable regions that see significant rises, France and Germany top the charts, seeing a 61% and 49% increase respectively. Though this shouldn’t be that surprising since these European regions are heavily associated with feelings of Amour, especially if viewed through a pop-culture perspective.

The Wrap

This is another example of a relatively simple update that has quite the gravity to it, at least in terms of implications. Snapchat’s insights report really plays on a couple of key aspects that greatly balances out the connection between user behavior and its corresponding effects on app usage. Though the emotional and qualitative elements that often stand out during this holiday appear fleeting and trivial, looking at things from a marketing and associative perspective helps solidify what these concepts represent. If you’re not into Snap that much, then perhaps now you’ll reconsider.

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