What does Gen Z look for in brand messaging? Why does it even matter to give Gen Z such market attention? It just so happens that Gen Z is on course to become the largest market segment and what do you think influences most of their consumption behavior? Snapchat sought to dig deeper into emerging trends via a new study that it conducted in partnership with Omnicom Media Group.

Any Motives?

The joint study looked at the key motivations of Gen Zers and how brands can best align their messaging with evolving expectations. According to Snap: 

“Context matters for this generation and how brands show up – through messaging and media selection. If brands nail these two concepts, they’re already winning. Don’t worry, it’s not a complete redrawing of the plan, but rather a meaningful adjustment in your planning process that will help you move the needle among Gen Z.”

The main finding seems to be that Gen Z consumers are increasingly loyal to brands and businesses that speak about social issues. Post information on such, or promote social change. Check out these key stats: 

Gen Z favors brands that: 

  • Have fair labor policies and ethical employee treatment (63%).

  • Promote a healthy and inclusive workplace culture for employees (63%).

  • Have sustainable manufacturing practices.

The same has been reflected in various other studies – younger consumers are much more attuned to social causes, as well as the role they can play within them. This extends to the brands and businesses they support with their patronage. If you can show that your brand aims to support causes and actually does so, then that could make you a big winner in terms of garnering the attention of younger audiences. 

This is also reflected in what Snap calls ‘brand purpose messaging’, which relates to your brand’s ‘why’ or the reason for being what you stand for – beyond just ‘making a quick buck’. Let’s face it, cash-grab business models are quickly becoming too scummy, and with audiences growing wiser and becoming more financially savvy, those types of methods are soon to be on their way out. 

Snap says that Gen Z consumers are becoming increasingly immersed in brand purpose and meaning, especially in Snap itself. When asked to give a score up to 100, the majority of respondents gave ‘Brand Purpose Messaging’ a weight of 60. To add, Gen Z consumers are also driven by a desire to keep up-to-date, via content that ‘lifts their spirits and engagement’, which Snap says it consistently delivers with its offerings. 

The Wrap

What the survey data suggests is that Snap could prove to be a pivotal platform for connecting with younger audiences, specifically with Gen Z consumers, and touting relevant, positive messaging that aligns with social issues. Such an element could also have solid applications beyond Snapchat itself. If you’re mapping out a Snap-focused strategy, then these notes should help steer you on the right path.

