Pinterest, among many other platforms, is also looking to further expand its eCommerce features, eventually becoming a key hub for online shopping. Attracting as high a number of merchants as possible is imperative to such an effort. A significant push it has made on this front has been the simplification of its ‘Catalog Ingestion’ tools. Making it easier for all brands, regardless of technical capacities, to upload their full range of products, to be later displayed as buyable Pins.

Been In The Shop

Pinterest has been at work on this element for the past 12 months now, and has today published a 57-page guide on how to optimally set up your Pinterest Shop from the perspective of a product listing, thus outlining the full details of each step in order to further streamline the entire process.

The guide mainly emphasizes on improving the quality of your product listing data, better maximizing your opportunities through both ads and organic listings. The guide covers the essential elements of a product feed listing, including specific data needed in order to optimize your buyable Pins. Again, as noted earlier, there are also overviews included that provide you with more comprehensive information that’ll definitely help you out with the process. It also helps that certain sections of the guide are presented as infographics, making it easier to visualize steps.

The guide also covers more complex elements, like multi-feed ingestion for Catalogs. Which it creatively presents in a ‘Pro-tip’ approach, making it more appealing and credible, especially for new and budding Pinterest marketers and advertisers.

Also included is a guide on additional data points that you can include in order to better your listings and opportunities. Coining them as ‘Optional Attributes’,  the guide sets them as a sort of search and discovery tools.   To add, there’s also the inclusion of so-called ‘explainers’ on feed maintenance, metadata detail, and optimal feed elements.

As an example, take a look at the visual highlights it uses to help you in selecting and eventually using various image formats.

While 57-pages sounds a bit excessive, it actually sounds logical when you take into account that this particular feature has been in development for an entire year, allowing Pinterest’s design team to really go into the nitty-gritties and flesh out each element and its corresponding description as much as they can.

The Wrap 

Whether you already have a Pinterest shop setup or plan on setting up a totally new one, then this guide is definitely worth a look. Though probably more attuned with complete neophytes, the guide itself still provides even seasoned shop owners with equally-evolving  tips and tricks to help improve your buyable Pin listings.

Even for the most avid of Pinners, more so if your a Pinterest marketer/advertiser, even if you appear to know all the details, the guide at least serves as a good reminder and doubles as a checklist to ensure that you were able to cover all that were needed to be covered.

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