Pinterest had been relatively quiet throughout 2022, relegating itself to the sidelines as it chose to focus on elements it could work on to make it more adaptable to the ever-changing social media landscape. During the early stages of the pandemic, Pinterest’s popularity soared, making it a crucial eCommerce hub.  As things eventually started to settle and the world slowly shifted back to normalcy, Pinterest usage also began to wane. But now, engagement is on the rise once again, what will 2023 have for Pinterest? 

Event for Ideas

If you’re looking to make Pinterest a bigger focus next year, then this might come in handy: Pinterest looks to host a virtual event this week in collaboration with Picsart. Pinterest wishes to explore the best ways to approach pin creativity and how you can make your content stand out using new approaches and technologies. 

As per Pinterest: 

“Learn how to easily create eye-catching and engaging pins, embrace Idea Pins in your content strategy, and explore what’s next using AI Image Generator. With 8.8M fans on Pinterest, Picsart has creative solutions for creators and small businesses that will set you up for an amazing 2023.”

AI content generators have become a much bigger focus this year, with certain tools now even able to create relatively nice-looking digital art, simple clips, articles, and more. Perhaps even more important is that these AI-based processes can execute all of them based on simple text prompts, which also highlights the ability of AI to deduce and form their own ‘conclusions’ based on ‘perceived’ data. The results may not always be stellar, but you can always edit and refine what is produced as you see fit. Basically, you can use AI-produced material pretty much any way you want, seeing as how such use is not yet covered by existing copyright laws. 

Well, at least not yet.

Picsart’s team aims to provide more pointers on this, along with other Pin tips, which could be hugely valuable for those considering Pinterest as their main platform for their 2023 run. 

The Wrap

With 445 million active users, many of whom come to the app with high shopping intent, it’s kind of clear why Pinterest would also make for a viable marketing channel, what with its unique Pin options and all. If you’re looking for an app that better allows you to set targeted offer options based on audience activity and engagement trends, then Pinterest does exactly that a cut above the rest. If you want to give Idea Pins a shot or know what they are, then it’s definitely worth looking into Pinterest and its various presentation options. 
