Idea Pins are Pinterest’s take on the Stories format – full-screen, video-aligned content options that provide several new and creative opportunities, aligning with broader consumption trends. If you’re still learning the ropes on how to best use the option, then you’re in luck because Pinterest just outlined six concept ideas to make compelling Idea Pins.


To start, Pinterest notes that the concept of your Idea Pin is the essential consideration, regardless of your chosen approach. As Pinterest explains:

“The foundation of a great Idea Pin is a great idea. Plan around your passions, picking topics and ideas you genuinely care about. It’s easier to make great content when you’re excited about it, and your authenticity will come through in your final content.”

With a focus in mind, Pinterest suggests following these six formats that have thus far proven to be highly effective for creating very compelling Idea Pins.

1. Instructional

These kinds of Idea Pins have proven great at maximizing engagement, while also better aligning with Pinterest’s audience. Using the instructional approach, you can teach new skills or do tutorials and product recommendations, both of which have shown to have high innate engagement rates.

2. Quick Tip

Providing quick tips and insights is another good format to consider. What’s best is that these can be captured in fewer frames. Chuck in handy product usage info, or include a couple of industry insights.

3. Comparison

The same product used in different ways seems to always be an attention-grabber. Using this format allows users to tap into the persuasive nature of all sorts of ‘hacks and crafts’, from fashion to home decor.

4. Storyteller

As the name suggests, this approach is used if you want to tell a story. Utilize a frame-by-frame approach to build up excitement and have users want for more. These can also be step-by-step guides, much like the instructional format, but with fewer details and a shorter length.

5. Conversation

Similar to Instagram’s ‘Question Sticker’, you can take a similar approach to Idea Pins, prompting your audience for questions then replying to each. Though this can get troublesome once you have tens of thousands of followers.

6. Showcase

A great and simple Idea Pin approach that focuses on simply showing a process in action, such as a workout guide or an instant sketch.

The Wrap

In each case you can also invite your audience to respond with their own Take on the idea, further adding engagement, thus better underlining the push towards participatory Instructional approaches that elicit some form of action from the user. Though Pinterest has not posted any significant numbers on Idea Pins yet, it has noted that the format has seen significant user interest. With more people gravitating towards short-form video content, it could be useful to consider Idea Pins as part of your overall strategy.

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