Pinterest is joining the new year train, and it’s bringing along a new research report about the shopping habits of Gen Z. The report explores how brands can maximize their product appeal and how Pinterest can help enhance their connection with younger consumers.

The report looks at what ‘Zoomer’s are looking for in their shopping journey, as well as the elements that are more likely to drive better responses. Coming from Pinterest, this is something potentially highly beneficial for online marketers and advertisers, considering how strong Pinterest already is in terms of influencing online shopping behavior.

Pinterest explains:

“Zoomers (consumers born between 1997-2012) have seen it all – they’re the first true digital natives – the first generation who can’t remember what life was like before the internet. That makes them less attached to particular brands than previous generations – and they’re far more keen on finding new shiny things that will set them apart.”

Zoom To Cart

Pinterest notes that Gen Z Zoomers are 20% more likely than any other generation to try a new product. Likewise, its internal data shows that Zoomers have also purchased 80% more new products within the last 12 months compared to other generations. Basically, what this tells us is that brands have a lot of opportunities to tap into existing markets, challenging the status quo, so long as they keep their messaging on-point.

Pinterest states that benefits can be significant:

“Brands that connect with Gen Zers may see 14x greater revenue growth opportunity on average with this generation overtime versus other generations.”

In order to help brands better connect with these observations, Pinterest advised brands to consider the following:

Utilize Video

Pinterest notes that video ads are more likely to capture Gen Z’s attention over other types of marketing. “As the first true digital natives, Gen Zers are more likely to say video ads appeal to them when shopping for new products than other generations.”

Highlight Brand Values

Gen Z consumers want to know that the brands they buy from understand their preferences and values. Marketers will need to understand, in-depth, how platforms work and what’s important for these younger audiences. Brands should also support various movements and charitable causes.

Help Them Stand Out

Pinterest says that Gen Zers are particularly fond of products that help them express their ‘unique’ identity. “Having grown up in the most socially open era yet, Gen Zers relish standing out – and using the products they buy to help express who they are”.

The Wrap

Besides statistics on Gen Z behaviors, Pinterest further notes that Pinners, in particular, are early adopters, with some 15% users more likely to purchase new products within a week of launch. It also says that 50% of Zoomers are active on the platform, making these elements all the more worthy to include in your marketing approach.

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